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ユリシーズ ウォーターカラー AT-06011 エイヴリー ティルモン 動物画 3...

  • 価格¥7,480
  • リアルな犬達が飛び出てきそうなドッグポートレートシリーズインテリアアート かわいい アニマル 犬グッズ ギフト雑貨作家:エイヴリー ティルモン /アメリカ男性作家美術大学を卒業後、教師やデザイナー・彫刻家や画家としてアーティスト活動を開始する。現在も息の長いアーティスト活動を続けている。■サイズ:約W38xH38cm■重量:約0.8kg■材質:樹脂フレーム■仕様:壁掛用 / 絵の表面を特殊ゲル加工【お取り寄せ】こちらの商品はお取り寄せ商品です。約3日〜10日の日数をご了承下さい。■カラー


  • 価格¥7,480
  • 発売日

Reassessing Suez 1956 New Perspectives on the Crisis and its Afterm...

  • 価格¥7,343
  • <p>The nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1956 triggered one of the gravest international crises since the Second World War. The fiftieth anniversary of the Suez crisis in 2006 presented an ideal opportunity to re-visit and reassess this seminal episode in post-war history. Although much has been written on Suez, this study provides fresh perspectives by reflecting the latest research from leading international authorities on the crisis and its aftermath. By drawing on recently released documents, by including previously neglected aspects of Suez, and by reassessing its more familiar ones, the volume makes a key contribution to furthering research on - and understanding of - the crisis. The volume explores the origins of the crisis, the crisis itself and the aftermath all from a broad perspective. An introduction by the editor presents the current state of the historiography and provides an overview of the debates surrounding the crisis, while the conclusion by Scott Lucas not merely draws the themes of the book together, but also explores the crisis in its regional and international context. Within the overall context of focussing on the international and military aspects of the crisis, it is an explicit intention to embody in the contributions the multifaceted nature of Suez. Although Britain, as in many ways the principal actor, is strongly represented, there are also highly original chapters on both the regional and international dimensions to the crisis, and crucially the interaction between the two. As well as exploring the role of the main protagonists, essays also deal with American, Jordanian and Turkish reactions to the invasion. The overall result is an innovative, thought-provoking, and wide-ranging reassessment of Suez and its aftermath, which at a time when the Middle East once again holds the world's attention, is particularly appropriate.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

民主主義法学の憲法理論 日本評論社

  • 価格¥7,480
  • メーカー

海外製絵本 知育 英語 イングリッシュ アメリカ Llama Llama Jingle Bel...

  • 価格¥7,360
  • 商品情報 商品名海外製絵本 知育 英語 イングリッシュ アメリカ Llama Llama Jingle Bells海外製絵本 知育 英語 イングリッシュ アメリカ 商品名(英語)Llama Llama Jingle Bells 商品名(翻訳)ラマ・ラマ・ジングルベル 型番9780451469809 海外サイズ1 EA ブランドViking Books for Young Readers 関連キーワード海外製絵本,知育,英語,イングリッシュ,アメリカ,イギリス,外国の絵本,洋書,幼児,子供このようなギフトシーンにオススメです。プレゼント お誕生日 クリスマスプレゼント バレンタインデー ホワイトデー 贈り物

Visual Dermatology2024年臨時増刊号 学研マーケティング

  • 価格¥7,480
  • メーカー

The Anthem Companion to David Ricardo【電子書籍】

  • 価格¥7,371
  • <p>With contributions from authorities on four continents, this edited volume provides a comprehensive survey of the life and work of David Ricardo (1772?1823), a major contributor to the British classical school of political economy. After an editorial introduction that sets Ricardo’s work in the economic, political and social climate of his time, individual chapters are devoted to his business activities; his political work and its influence; his relationship with Robert Malthus; his thinking on the theories of value, distribution, trade and money; some important misunderstandings of his analytical work; his relationship to Karl Marx; and his reception in Australia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

知財の正義 ロバート・P・マージェス/著 山根崇邦/訳 前田健/訳 泉卓也/訳

  • 価格¥7,480
  • ■ISBN:9784326403479★日時指定をお受けできない商品になりますタイトル【新品】【本】知財の正義 ロバート・P・マージェス/著 山根崇邦/訳 前田健/訳 泉卓也/訳フリガナチザイ ノ セイギ発売日201712出版社勁草書房ISBN9784326403479大きさ484P 22cm著者名ロバート・P・マージェス/著 山根崇邦/訳 前田健/訳 泉卓也/訳

The Language of Inclusion and Exclusion in Immigration and Integrat...

  • 価格¥7,338
  • <p>This collection provides an overview of some of the most relevant concepts in the study of the language of inclusion and exclusion, specifically with a view to the functioning of nation-state categories. Categorizations, words, and phrases are constantly renewed with the intention to exclude (mostly) or to include (rarely), promulgating problematizations that highlight discursive distinctions between in-groups and out-groups. Such discursive constructions and the practices through which they are effectuated are sites of symbolic power, and their study reveals the workings of power. Historical analysis of the language of inclusion and exclusion can help elucidate contemporary transformations of discursive power.</p> <p>The chapters in this volume discuss forms of discursive problematization such as defining, claiming, legitimizing, expanding, sensationalization and suggestion, and it connects these to the discursive drawing of boundaries, focusing on discursive constructions of ‘illegality’, race, class, gender, immigrant integration and transnationalism. As state categorizations continuously differ, both the historical analysis of their genesis, functioning and transformation, and the contemporary analysis of their practical effectuation are crucial to an understanding of inclusion and exclusion.</p> <p>This book was originally published as a special issue of <em>Ethnic and Racial Studies</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Resolving Deep-Rooted Conflicts Essays on the Theory and Practice o...

  • 価格¥7,343
  • <p>This book is a collection of articles and essays by Professor Herbert C. Kelman, a leading figure in the conflict resolution community and one of the most influential peace researchers.</p> <p>Professor Kelman, a social psychologist, has been a pioneer of conflict resolution and peace research, and his work in conflict resolution has included a decades-long action research program on the Arab-Israeli conflict which has seen the development of Interactive Problem-Solving Workshops, an approach which has had a deep impact not only on research, but also on the practice of conflict resolution around the world, and especially in the Middle East. Focusing on Kelman’s conflict resolution-related work, this volume comprises an important collection of articles written by Kelman across his career as academic and practitioner. By bringing together these carefully selected articles the book offers a concise overview of the body of Kelman’s work and his intellectual biography. It traces the origins of the field of conflict resolution, the development of the study and practice of Interactive Problem Solving Workshops, and the wider challenges faced by conflict resolution research and practice.</p> <p>This book will be of much interest to students of peace and conflict studies, conflict resolution, psychology and IR in general.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

西洋政治思想史講義 岩波書店

  • 価格¥7,480
  • メーカー

【送料無料】NHK年鑑 2018/NHK放送文化研究所/編

  • 価格¥7,370
  • NHK出版 日本放送協会 697P 27cm エヌエイチケ− ネンカン 2018 2018 NHK/ネンカン 2018 2018 ニツポン/ホウソウ/キヨウカイ/ホウソウ/ブンカ/ケンキユウジヨ

開国経験の思想史 増補新装版 東京大学出版会

  • 価格¥7,480
  • メーカー

Foreign Direct Investment in Large-Scale Agriculture in Africa Econ...

  • 価格¥7,343
  • <p>This book examines environmental sustainability and inclusive economic growth, providing in-depth analysis of foreign direct investment (FDI) in large-scale agriculture in Ethiopia.</p> <p>In most African states, arable land and other natural resources play a pivotal role for economic growth and development. Ethiopia is one of those countries where agriculture is the backbone of the economy. This sector has also been an attraction for FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa since the global food and financial crisis of 2007 and 2008. This book uses six foreign investments in large-scale agriculture as case studies to examine current Ethiopian policies, the patterns of investment they promote, how these impact on land-based resources and communities’ wellbeing. Presenting analyses of the economic, social and political realities of foreign direct investment in the local context, <em>Foreign Direct Investment in Large-Scale Agriculture in Africa</em> discusses how the fundamental principles of pro-poor and environmentally sustainable investments intersect with the government’s ambition to advance Ethiopia’s development agenda.</p> <p>This book will be of interest to scholars and students of African economics and sustainable development, African policy makers, intergovernmental organisations as well as multilateral and bilateral development partners.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

東国終末期古墳と古代国家(仮題) 雄山閣

  • 価格¥7,480
  • メーカー

天目茶碗と日中茶文化研究 中国からの伝播と日本での展開/岩田澄子【30...

  • 価格¥7,480
  • 著者岩田澄子(著)出版社宮帯出版社発売日2016年04月ISBN9784801600485ページ数394,28Pキーワードてんもくちやわんとにつちゆうちやぶんかけんきゆうち テンモクチヤワントニツチユウチヤブンカケンキユウチ いわた すみこ イワタ スミコ9784801600485内容紹介天目茶碗は日中茶文化の接点として象徴的な存在である。日中の諸資料を博捜、中国と日本で実際に使われていた天目茶碗の諸相を明らかにし、それぞれの喫茶法の違いを背景に、その役割の違いや日中間をどう繋いだのかについて考察した。天目茶碗への新たな視座を提供する意欲作。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次第1章 薬用の茶と日中茶文化の歴史(薬用の茶と嗜好品の茶/中国から日本へ請来された三種の喫茶法)/第2章 天目茶碗考(点茶法の茶と天目茶碗/『君台観左右帳記』からみる天目茶碗の産地と種類—「建盞」と「天目」/十六世紀の茶会記にみる天目茶碗の状況/「天目」の由来再考—「天目」の碗名が使われ始めた時期とその背景について/「天目」と「茶わん」の関係)/第3章 天目茶碗のような金属製茶碗の調査と馬蝗絆(平重盛伝来の箱書を持つ内金張り茶碗/青磁茶碗「馬蝗絆」の語義について)

野菜料理大観 下巻/旭屋出版/榎園豊治 旭屋出版

  • 価格¥7,480
  • メーカー

楽譜 IEWW3432 輸入 オブリヴィオン(忘却)(アストル・ピアソラ)(木...

  • 価格¥7,480
  • 輸入 管楽器・管アンサンブル【詳細情報】・JANコード:4533332715794【収録曲】・IEWW3432 輸入 オブリヴィオン(忘却)(アストル・ピアソラ)(木管五重奏)【Oblivion】作曲:アストル・ピアソラ (ASTOR PIAZZOLLA) 編曲:ジェフ・スコット (JEFF SCOTT)※収録順は、掲載順と異なる場合がございます。【島村管理コード:15120230131】

Power, Construction and Meaning in Festivals【電子書籍】[ Allan Jep...

  • 価格¥7,343
  • <p>Whether through education, sport or festivity, events form the basis on which we attribute cultural meaning, significance and value to our lives. In this light, community events have the potential to create positive and negative social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts within the community across a wide variety of genres and platforms.</p> <p>This book offers a deeper and more critical insight into the relationships, dynamics and planning processes of festivals and events and the impact this has upon authenticity, cultural consumption and the local communities they serve. It does so by looking at a range of key debates in power theory, event planning and design, event construction, experience and meaning, authenticity, sustainability, social inclusion, accessibility and sponsorship engagement. International case studies are embedded within the chapters, examining the role of stakeholders, local communities, organisers, local governments and infrastructure.</p> <p>This critical event studies text is interdisciplinary and will make valuable reading for students and researchers who are interested in the relationships and dynamics involved in the construction and planning of festivals and events, their immediate impact and their significance for the future.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Global Big Business and the Chinese Brewing Industry【電子書籍】[ Y...

  • 価格¥7,338
  • <p>From the 1970s to the 1990s, China implemented a wide array of industrial policies to build up indigenous big business groups in their attempts to ‘catch-up’ with the industries of the developed world. With its entry into the WTO, China is under huge pressure to pursue the market-friendly policies advocated by the advanced economies. This is the first book in English that applies the theories of big business, catch-up and state intervention to the Chinese brewing industry.</p> <p>Having gathered first-hand research in China, Yuantao Guo analyzes the relationship between big business, competition and state intervention in the context of developing economies, demonstrating the implications of the industrial concentration and value chain integration of the global big business revolution for catch-up by developing world industries, considering to what extent state intervention can allow them to meet the competitive challenge. Examining these themes in relation to the Chinese brewing industry, Yuantao Guo uses detailed case studies of the Yanjing and Tsingtao breweries in order to detail the struggles that Chinese brewers have faced. This book makes a significant contribution to modern day discussions on globalization.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

The Religious Problem with Religious Freedom Why Foreign Policy Nee...

  • 価格¥7,338
  • <p>Rival understandings of the meaning and practice of the religious and the secular lead to rival public perspectives about religion and religious freedom in North America. This book explores how debates over the American Office of Religious Freedom and its International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA, 1998) and very recent debates over the Canadian Office of Religious Freedom (2013) have pitted at least six basic, but very different meanings of the religious and the secular against each other in often undisclosed and usually unproductive ways.</p> <p>Properly naming this ‘religious problem’ is a critical first step to acknowledging and conciliating their practically polar political prescriptions. It must be considered how we are to think about religion in political offices, both the Canadian and the American experience, as an essentially contested term, and one which demands better than postmodern paralysis, what the author terms political theology. This is especially critical since both of these cases are not just about how to deal with religion at home, but how to engage with religion abroad, where real peril, and real practical policy must be undertaken to protect increasingly besieged religious minorities. Finally, a principled pluralist approach to the religious and the secular suggests a way to think outside the ‘religious problem’ and productively enlist and engage the forces of religion resurging around the globe.</p> <p>The book will be of great use to scholars and students in religion and foreign affairs, secularization, political theology, and political theory, as well as professionals and policy makers working in issues relating to religion, religious freedom, and foreign affairs.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Other-person-ness and the Person with Profound Disabilities【電子書...

  • 価格¥7,343
  • <p>Many people think that profound disability presents us with a real problem, often because it seems difficult to connect with someone who does not seem to think or act like us. Positioning profound disability in this way immediately sets up a ‘them’ and ‘us’, where the person with profound disability becomes the problematic ‘other’. Attempts to bridge the ‘them’ and ‘us’ risk reducing everyone to the same where disability is not taken seriously.</p> <p>In contrast to a ‘them’ and ‘us’, and negative connotations of the other found in the existentialist philosophies of writers like Sartre and Beauvoir, Pia Matthews argues for a return to a positive view of the other. One positive approach to the other, based on an ethics of relationship as championed by Levinas, seems to mitigate the other-ness of profound disability. However, this still makes the person with profound disability dependent on the ethical concern of the more powerful other. Instead, this book argues for return to a personalist philosophy of being offered by Mounier, Marcel, and Wojty?a, and deepened by participation, belonging, and the possibility of contributing to the good of all. This deepened philosophy of being gives a more solid foundation for people who are especially at the mercy of others.</p> <p>It will be of interest to all scholars and students of disability studies, philosophy and anthropology.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • 価格¥7,480
  • 税務経理協会 法人税法 租税/アメリカ合衆国 677P 22cm アメリカ ホウジンゼイホウ コウギ ホンジヨウ,タスク

Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management A Toolkit for P...

  • 価格¥7,378
  • <p><strong>Blockchain provides a secure ledger of transactions, programmable smart contracts, and real-time trustworthy visibility and insight into the supply chain process.</strong></p> <p>For all the promises it offers to supply chain professionals, however, there's very little guidance available on how organizations should begin evaluating and using it. <em><strong>Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management</strong></em> provides that much needed step by step guidance.</p> <p><em><strong>Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management</strong></em> is a very practical book of tools, frameworks and case studies. It will help students and supply chain managers to evaluate the value proposition blockchain brings. It will then guide them through essential processes for making informed, practical, timely, and business-savvy decisions for using blockchain as an effective supply chain tool. It includes a valuable benchmark survey of the state of play in blockchain in supply chain management, including organisations such as Tyson Foods, IBM and Coca Cola, as well as downloadable frameworks and tools.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

戦略市場経営 戦略をどう開発し評価し実行するか/デービッドA.アーカ...

  • 価格¥7,480
  • 著者デービッドA.アーカー(著) 野中郁次郎(訳)出版社ダイヤモンド社発売日1986年09月ISBN9784478370223ページ数433Pキーワードせんりやくしじようけいえいせんりやくおどうかいはつ センリヤクシジヨウケイエイセンリヤクオドウカイハツ あ−か− で−ヴいど A. A ア−カ− デ−ヴイド A. A9784478370223


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