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輝く夜に奏でたい聖夜の名曲 第2版

  • 価格¥1,760
  • クリスマスにぴったりな名曲をたっぷり25曲選曲しました!クリスマスキャロルからJ?pop、さらにはメドレーまで充実のラインアップ。【曲目】きよしこの夜/クリスマスの12日/クリスマス・イブ/戦場のメリークリスマス/そりすべり/クリスマスソング/星に願いを/荒野の果てに/Grown upChristmas List など

ジャズ・ピアノ・バイブル バラード・アレンジ編

  • 価格¥2,750
  • ピアノ・ソロでジャズを弾くために必要なハーモニー・アレンジの基本を、短時間で習得できる本です。CDは全て、安田氏のピアノ生演奏です。「Tenderly」や「Over The Rainbow」など、スタンダード・ナンバーでアレンジの基本を学べます。主な収録曲Over The RainbowTenderlySmoke Gets In Your EyesPrelude To A KissThe Way You Look TonightGiant StepsYou Don’t Know What Love IsI Love You、 Porgy(参考曲)Be Witched(参考曲)I’ve Grown Accustomed To Her Face(参考曲)

Acting on Impulse

  • 価格¥756
  • Enjoying a gorgeous single lifestyle with lots of encounters in the big city! That was Trudy the country girl’s reason for coming to New York. To have metropolitan romances with all the men that aren’t around in her small town. To keep her from getting into trouble, her friends introduce Linc as a ”bodyguard” until she gets used to life in the city. As a playboy who’s grown tired of the romantic chase, he’s the perfect practice boyfriend who’ll make her into a confident, sophisticated cosmopolitan!

The Sheikh’s Contract Bride

  • 価格¥756
  • Beth would do anything for her twin sister, Addie, who has been betrothed to a sheikh from young age and has led a life of high expectation and heavy responsibility.  Beth, unlike her sister, spent a lonesome childhood receiving little attention from her parents.  The twins have grown up trusting and depending on each other.  As the day of meeting the sheikh nears, Addie confides in Beth with her secret love for another man.  To save her dearest Addie, Beth decides to go to the desert kingdom of Bha’Khar, pretending to be her twin sister!

Love on Ride Vol.1 ~ Yukihito Tohs...

  • 価格¥648
  • [Reminder] This is an ebook of scripts in English based on the CD, ”Love on Ride (Tsuukin Kareshi) Vol. 1,” voice acted by Seiyuu, Yoshimasa Hosoya.  No sound included. [Story] One day you met a fine looking young guy on the train to the office, and he turned out to be your childhood friend!, Tohsaki Yukihito. He’d grown into a handsome man! with a heart full of kindness and passion. You started to see him again and again on the same train. You couldn’t help wondering if he should have something big to tell you in his mind...

Venetia’s Ohara Gardening Diary OVER 80

  • 価格¥2,332
  • ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 エッセイやイラスト、ハーブの育て方、ハーブレシピ、庭造りのコツなどが詰まった、ベニシアの初の英語の著書!「ベニシアの庭づくり ハーブと暮らす12か月」の英語の原文を編集したものです。英会話スクールで長年教えているベニシアならではの、シンプルで平易な英語で書かれている。 In England, Jersey, Spain and Japan I have grown up in gardens―played and learned in them, laughed and cried, raised a family and made many friends. All the while I have kept diaries, made drawings and collected snippets of wisdom to nurture the inner garden of my heart. I am overjoyed to share with you in this book some of the stories behind my cottage garden in Kyoto where I now live. I hope that this fruit of my personal journey will help and inspire you in yours.


  • 価格¥2,530
  • First book on whole picture of wines of Japan issued from Japan to world readersWe are observing people in the world to show their interest to wines of Japan. However only fragmental English information has been provided to the world so far. So, actual situation of wines of Japan characterized by rapidly improving quality of wines of Japan has not been unfortunately available for foreign people. This book is the first edition written in English which gives the up dated information on the situation of wines of Japan taking up remarkable development of vine cultivation and wine making tackling the unfavorable conditions of Japan, as well as impressive activities of wineries in wine making regions and interesting tastes of Japan Wine actually produced from 100% of Japan’s grapes.Merit of this book?_ To understand well how to cultivate vines, what grape varieties are grown, how to make wines and what is the characteristics of each region.?_ To understand vividly characteristics of 6 main regions in Japan (Yamanashi, Nagano Kikyogahara, Nagano Chikumagawa Valley, Yamagata Mogamigawa, Niigata and Hokkaido).?_ To understand well activities of wineries and suggested wines of each wineries Extract of remarks by Mr. H. Yamamoto, President of Japan Wine AssociationRecently, recognizing the importance of the development of the wine industry in Japan, the government of Japan has started reorganizing the legislative and administrative systems related to wine, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recommended that the Japanese Embassies serve Japan Wine at appropriate occasions all over the world. If this book is connected with such efforts, it may much effectively fulfill a role to make people overseas understand not only Japan Wine itself, but also Japan’s creative forces and intellects as well as Japanese people‘s nature for loyal dedication.


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