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Village People/Icon: Village People[B002050102]

  • 価格¥1,290

鳳凰ケ里 The people in Houoh’s village

  • 価格¥660
  • 日々感じたことを綴りながら、一方では銀河へと思いをはせ、そしていつしか死の世界へと誘う。亡き父母へと目をむけたとき、父も母も私を穏やかに優しく包み込んでくれる。??これまで2作の詩集を発表した作者が紡ぐ散文集は、心静かに読者の心に安らぎを与えてくれるだろう。今作でも英文詩が綴られており、前作同様、文体は極めて秀逸である。

Village People/Gold[CRIMCD659]

  • 価格¥1,190

Feathers,Horns and Guardians A St...

  • 価格¥4,180
  • The ?gembe region of Kenya is a rich agricultural area on the equator,where people live in a unique time-world. Whenever a problem arises,people do not hasten to a conclusion,but ‘wait’ as a means of solution. This does not mean doing nothing. It is simply acknowledging the bene?ts of waiting for a time when the community is better able to resolve the issue.An important characteristic of this indigenous community is its orientation toward communal intentions and exclusion of individualism. In over 20 years of research and extensive ?eldwork,the author has traced the major social and historical turning points such as the price collapse of coffee beans,which had supported the local economy,as well as the accumulation of social events such as collective sanctions against sexual predators and multiple homicide compensation claims,to observe how internal village con?icts,initially dif?cult to resolve by consensus,are overcome by waiting,before rallying to regain ‘communal intent’ by ‘concealing’ the individual.This ethnography portrays a contemporary African agrarian people living between their unique time-world,their views of humanity and social structure,the institutions of state governance,and the global cash crop economy.

唐川びとへ ~精霊たちの庭 出雲・唐川

  • 価格¥1,296
  • ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 和が濃い、唐川 神話と風土記の国、島根県出雲市の山あいの集落・唐川。 山上の巨大な岩倉に見守られるような、茶畑の広がるあたたかな風景。 そこに和やかに慎ましやかに、ときに晴れやかに暮らしをたてる人びと──。 百七十点余のカラー写真と折々の文章で綴るドキュメント。      唐川は戸数五十四、人口百七十九のちいさな集落。 島根半島の西端、出雲北山の山間に、大部分が荒木姓の人びとが暮らしています。 八世紀に著された『出雲国風土記』に記されている韓竈神社の氏子たちです。 二十五年に一度の遷宮に出会って以来、その唐川びとに魅せられた著者が、 二〇〇八年まで十年にわたって記録してきた写文集です。 春の新茶摘みと新茶まつりの賑わい、韓竈神社に集う人びと、 大祭の獅子舞や神楽の熱気、荒神さまや山神さまへの親しみ深い祈り、 紙漉きをする人、その材料であるみつまた刈りに精出す人……。 どのページからも、唐川びとの地道で確かな日々の表情が、 生き生きと立ち上ってきます。 自然の精霊たちとの交感にあふれた、ほのぼのと心温もる一冊です。 The scenes of the village ? an old man harvesting mitsumata (oriental paper bush), a couple making paper from this mitsumata, all the generations in the village taking part in a sports event, a man singing to warblers while walking in the forest, elementary school pupils crossing over the mountain ? offer a tranquillity our modern society seems to have long lost. The people there lead a natural life shaped by their various seasonal festivals.

Unsung Heroes of Old Japan

  • 価格¥2,464
  • “I have waited eagerly for the day when Unsung Heroes of Old Japan would be translated into English and made available to people around the world. I wrote the book with the faint hope that people might one day become more like the men and women portrayed here. Whether humanity has any universal values, I can’t say. But looking back over the sweep of human history, I am convinced that values like those shown here result in happiness for the individual and society.” (From ‘Preface to the English edition’ by the author) True stories of three little-known Japanese of the Edo period who lived lives of sublime selflessness and purity, blurring the boundary between self and others. Merchant Kokudaya Juzaburo comes up with a brilliant scheme to rescue his dying town from poverty. He and others go deep into debt, risking all to raise money for the cash-strapped daimyo and receive annual interest in return. Prodigious scholar and former Zen monk Nakane Tori refuses a government post and elects to live in abject poverty, weaving sandals. Though perhaps the age's greatest poet, he throws his works into the fire and ends his days teaching in a country village. Otagaki Rengetsu, a noted beauty in Kyoto, loses two husbands and five children. She becomes a Buddhist nun and devotes her life to poetry and pottery. With her savings she feeds the hungry and builds a bridge across Kamo River.


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