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Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR) クリーデンスクリアウォーターリバ...

  • 価格¥5,720
  • 出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明★CCRデビュー50周年を記念してハーフ・スピード・マスターによる180g重量盤ヴァイナルがリリース。■チップ・オン・ジャケットのレプリカ・パッケージでのリリース。■マスタリングはアビイ・ロード・スタジオにてクラシック・レコーディングが鮮やかによみがえる!■本作は1969年オリジナル・リリースのセカンド・アルバム。代表曲「プラウド・メアリー』収録!(メーカー・インフォメーションより)曲目リストDisc11.Born On The Bayou [1/2 Speed Master]/2.Bootleg [1/2 Speed Master]/3.Graveyard Train [1/2 Speed Master]/4.Good Golly Miss Molly [1/2 Speed Master]/5.Penthouse Pauper [1/2 Speed Master]/6.Proud Mary [1/2 Speed Master]/7.Keep On Chooglin' [1/2 Speed Master]

Recorded Poetry and Poetic Reception from Edna Millay to the Circle...

  • 価格¥6,076
  • 発売日
  • Listening to poets read their work focuses critical attention on the craft of the poem, while raising questions about the relationship between social history, technology, and the poet's "voice." "Recorded Poetry and Poetic Reception from Edna Millay to the Circle of Robert Lowell" offers an analysis of a wide range of recordings, from commercial and amateur, to official studio sessions, to ephemeral events captured on reel-to-reel tape. Through the mid-century performances of poets such as Elizabeth Bishop, Dylan Thomas and Anne Sexton, Derek Furr draws penetrating new conclusions about how and why poetry was recorded in the U.S. from the 1930s to the 1970s.


【輸入盤CD】Hugh Lawson/Richard Wyands / Jazzcraft Studio Recording...

  • 価格¥2,790
  • 2013/2/12 発売輸入盤レーベル:STORYVILLE RECORDS収録曲:


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