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Ikea e altre semiosfere Laboratorio di sociosemiotica【電子書籍】[ ...

  • 価格¥2,000
  • <p>Questo libro non parla di semiotica, non esamina le sue basi scientifiche, non ne illustra le teorie n? discute degli autori che le hanno formulate. Il suo obiettivo semmai ? quello di parlare la semiotica, farne cio? una lingua con cui articolare un discorso sul mondo, su ci? che ci circonda e, dunque, sui fatti umani e sociali che ci toccano. Quando questo accade si passa dalla semiotica alla sociosemiotica. Ed ? allora che tecnologie, fotografie, pubblicit?, cibo, libri e perfino un artefatto complesso come Ikea si rivelano parte di quell’unico “grande sistema” che ? la semiosfera. Ricostruirla, allora, non significa andare a caccia dei significati pi? o meno oscuri che si celano dietro i pi? diversi segni, ma cogliere i processi di significazione che fanno s? che i segni possano esistere, facendo di un oggetto un soggetto in grado di comunicare.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

不合理だからすべてがうまくいく 行動経済学で「人を動かす」

  • 価格¥2,090
  • 行動経済学によって、さまざまに系統的な不合理さが見えてきた。手をかけることが高評価をもたらすIKEA効果、やる気をそいでいる高額ボーナス、自分で思いついた(と思わせられた)意見は好ましい、雑用は一気に片づけるほうが楽…。行動経済学研究の第一人者が、わたしたちがなぜ、どのように不合理な行動をしてしまうのかをユニークな実験で紹介。わかりやすい数々の実例で経済の真の姿を解明し、よりよい決断へとつなげる話題作。

Ikea【電子書籍】[ Johan Stenebo ]

  • 価格¥2,000
  • <p>Ikea ha veicolato nel suo sviluppo ventennale una solida cultura di eccellenza, proponendo un modello di azienda dotata di coscienza e che fa sempre ci? che ? giusto. Come ben esprime il suo motto, “tutto ci? che Ikea fa deve essere a prova di indagine”. Ikea ? diventata per certi versi un mito indistruttibile e fortissimo nel mondo del business, fattore indispensabile per acquisire il primato mondiale nel settore dell’arredamento e della distribuzione dell’interior design. La cultura aziendale ? spesso costruita, soprattutto nelle multinazionali, proprio come se si fabbricasse un mito da comunicare quotidianamente ー con le parole d’ordine, i valori, le leggende positive, i linguaggi, i personaggi e tutto quanto possa fare da collante ー. Ma come spesso accade, l’immagine mitizzata si pu? rovesciare nel suo opposto. Col suo racconto, Stenebo ci aiuta a cogliere i chiaroscuri di una realt? che ? sempre stata presentata in bianco e nero; a comprendere lo stile di direzione di un imprenditore che ha abilit? e intuizioni straordinarie, ma che a volte scivola su atteggiamenti affaristici ed egocentrici; a illuminare una strategia composta di mosse innovative sul prodotto e sulla logistica accanto a operazioni corsare di utilizzo della creativit? di altri designer e a criticabili negoziazioni di partnership con i fornitori. Senza sconti per nessuno, l’eccellenza di Ikea viene raccontata insieme alle iperboli pi? discutibili e fallaci dell’intera organizzazione e del top management: una vera storia aziendale, non un’agiografia.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

アマゾンのように考える 仕事を無敵にする思考と行動50のアイデア / 原...

  • 価格¥2,035
  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>オンライン書店からはじめたアマゾンは、今や小売業界の頂点に迫り、10年後には、アマゾン銀行、アレクサのOS化、カスタムメイド販売、5Gネットワークのブランド化、オンデマンドの遠隔診療予約まで目論んでいる。成長の裏には、何があるのか?アマゾンが行なっていることのすべてを解説する!<収録内容>1 誰もがイノベーティブになれる15のアイデア—考え方(短期で結果を出そうとするな—あなたの旅は遠く、道は曲がりくねっている動機は金か使命感か—あなたのこだわりに戦略的かつ正直になる、そして勝つことにこだわる ほか)2 デジタルで本当に役立つイノベーションを生む15のアイデア—戦略(ミッション・インポッシブルへの道—ビーイング・デジタル実験・失敗・中止を繰り返せ—デジタル時代に成功するために ほか)3 テクノロジーに使われず、テクノロジーを使う11のアイデア—ビジネスとテクノロジー(アマゾンはデータをどう扱っているか?—メトリックスとインストルメーションプロセスVS官僚主義—規模を拡大できる業務プロセスとは? ほか)4 仕事をアマゾン化する9のアイデア—アプローチ&実行(ドアは一方通行か双方向か—どのように意思決定をするかのスキルを持つバーを上げろ—採用ミスをなくすために ほか)<アーティスト/キャスト>ジョン・ロスマン(演奏者)<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2434718John Loss Man / Cho Watarai Keiko / Yaku / Amazon No Yo Ni Kangaeru Shigoto Wo Muteki Ni Suru Shiko to Kodo 50 No Idea / Original Title: THINK like AMAZONメディア:本/雑誌重量:340g発売日:2019/11JAN:9784815601898アマゾンのように考える 仕事を無敵にする思考と行動50のアイデア / 原タイトル:THINK LIKE AMAZON[本/雑誌] / ジョン・ロスマン/著 渡会圭子/訳2019/11発売

Air-Mech-Strike Asymmetric Maneuver Warfare for the 21st Century【...

  • 価格¥2,024
  • <p>This book outlines how to reorganize the U.S. Army into a fully 2 and 3-Dimensional maneuver capable, ground force with terrain-agile, armored fighting vehicles sized to rapidly deploy by fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft to the scene of world conflicts and strike at the heart of freedom?s enemies. The plan to build the Army into Air-Mech-Strike Forces, exploiting emerging information-age technologies, as well as America?s supremacy in aircraft and helicopter delivery systems---at the lowest cost to the taxpayers, is described in detail. These Army warfighting organizations, using existing and some newly purchased equipment, will shape the battlefield to America?s advantage, preserving the peace before it is lost; if not, then winning fights that must be fought quickly. The dangerous world we live in moves by the speed of the AIR, and the 21st Century U.S. Army 2D/3D combat team will dominate this medium by Air-Mech-Strike!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

How to Think Like an Anthropologist【電子書籍】[ Matthew Engelke ]

  • 価格¥2,024
  • <p><strong>From an award-winning anthropologist, a lively accessible, and at times irreverent introduction to the subject</strong></p> <p>What is anthropology? What can it tell us about the world? Why, in short, does it matter? For well over a century, cultural anthropologists have circled the globe, from Papua New Guinea to suburban England and from China to California, uncovering surprising facts and insights about how humans organize their lives and articulate their values. In the process, anthropology has done more than any other discipline to reveal what culture means--and why it matters. By weaving together examples and theories from around the world, Matthew Engelke provides a lively, accessible, and at times irreverent introduction to anthropology, covering a wide range of classic and contemporary approaches, subjects, and practitioners. Presenting a set of memorable cases, he encourages readers to think deeply about some of the key concepts with which anthropology tries to make sense of the worldーfrom culture and nature to authority and blood. Along the way, he shows why anthropology matters: not only because it helps us understand other cultures and points of view but also because, in the process, it reveals something about ourselves and our own cultures, too.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Girl Like a Bomb【電子書籍】[ Autumn Christian ]

  • 価格¥2,024
  • <ul> <li> <p><strong>Praise:</strong> "<em>Girl Like a Bomb</em> is a book like a bombー explosive, heavy and dangerous. A must read by an exciting new voice." ーBrian Keene, author of <em>The Rising and Pressure.</em></p> </li> <li> <p>**Previous success:**<em>Girl Like a Bomb</em> was a success on PTO.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Popular Substack:</strong> author's blog <em>Teach Robots Love</em>has over 2,000 subscribers.</p> </li> <li> <p>**Tiktok sensation:**with outrageous themes of sex and superpowers, this title is a hit online and has grown a cult fanbase.</p> </li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

DJANGO 5 FOR BEGINNERS How to effectively use Django 5 like a pro【...

  • 価格¥2,003
  • <p><em><strong>DJANGO</strong></em> <em><strong>5</strong></em> <em><strong>FOR</strong></em> <em><strong>BEGINNERS by Joseph Maddox</strong></em> is the essential guide for aspiring web developers who are ready to embark on their journey into the world of DJANGO. This book provodes an up-to-date, easy to follow instructions tailored specifically for those with little to no experience in web development.</p> <p>Order Now!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Another Dimension of Us [ Mike Albo ]

  • 価格¥-
  • ANOTHER DIMENSION OF US Mike Albo PENGUIN WORKSHOP2024 Paperback English ISBN:9780593223772 洋書 NonーClassifiable(その他)


The Looking Book: Get Inspired - See World Like an Artist! COLOR BK...

  • 価格¥-
  • COLOR BKーLOOKING BK Lucia Vinti PAVILION BOOKS2024 Paperback English ISBN:9781843655008 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction


Lead Like a Girl The New Leadership Playbook for Women and Men【電...

  • 価格¥2,097
  • <p><strong>"An incredibly forward-looking and positive example of how to be and how to work in today's world."</strong> <em><strong>Booklist</strong></em></p> <p><strong>For women AND men, this fresh look at leadership helps us all learn to connect to our more feminine leadership traits and lead like a girl!</strong></p> <p><em>Lead Like a Girl</em> is a holistic look at how to achieve purpose and joy at work. It is about turning the world of work into a place where empathy, intuition, passion, and resilience take their rightful place, where women can lead like women and men can tap into their more feminine leadership traits and dare to lead (more) like a girl!</p> <p>Dalia Feldheim was one of the marketing directors behind the 2014 global Always ad campaign “#LikeAGirl.” This message touched a nerve for women and men alike becoming much more than a commercial ? as it became an icon for women’s empowerment. The ad was selected by Forbes as one of the 10 most influential campaigns of the decade.</p> <p>In the commercial, while a young girl understand the phrase ‘run like a girl’ to mean, run as fast as you can, somewhere along the way, doing things “like a girl” becomes an insult. The goal of the commercial was to change the meaning of words and reclaim the phrase to simply mean “be proud of who you are.”</p> <p>With Dalia’s new book it is time to reclaim that phrase once again and this time in the world of leadership.</p> <p>It’s time to stop asking our women leaders to lead like men and instead start learning from what is working for our women leadersーand share that wisdom with everyone, men and women alike. <em>Lead Like a Girl</em> is a provocative call to action to all leaders to stop wearing an emotional mask at work and connect to their more feminine leadership traits - owning their passion, perseverance, people skills, and positivity.</p> <p>With her flare for relatable storytelling, Dalia shares her executive leadership journey of over two decades backed by theoretical underpinning from the world of psychology, business, and mindfulness to encourage leaders to connect to their more feminine super powers: be courageous, lead from their heart, and <em>Lead (more) Like a Girl</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

March Comes in Like a Lion, Volume 1 LION V01 (Sangatsu No Lion) ...

  • 価格¥-
  • MARCH COMES IN LIKE A LION V01 Sangatsu No Lion Chica Umino DENPA2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781634428125 洋書 NonーClassifiable(その他)


The Woman Who Rides Like a Man R/E (Song of Lioness) [ Tamora Pie...

  • 価格¥-
  • WOMAN WHO RIDES LIKE A MAN R/E Song of the Lioness Tamora Pierce ATHENEUM BOOKS2023 Paperback Reissue English ISBN:9781665937436 洋書 NonーClassifiable(その他)


Osittain oikeassa【電子書籍】[ Aulis Kankare ]

  • 価格¥2,047
  • <p>Aulis Kankare on yritt?j?, liiketalouden konsultti ja allitusammattilainen. H?n on ollut esihenkil?teht?viss? l?hes koko ty?uransa ajan eli 36 vuotta. El?kkeelle h?n j?i Someron S??st?pankin varatoimitusjohtajan<br /> teht?v?st?. H?nen mielenkiintonsa on aina kohdistunut erityisesti ihmisten johtamiseen, motivoimiseen ja vuorovaikutukseen sek?<br /> yritysten asiakkuuksien, osaamisen ja br?ndien johtamiseen ja kehitt?miseen.</p> <p>T?h?n teokseen on koottu Auliksen kirjoittamia monipuolisia ja<br /> mielenkiintoisia kolumneja el?v?st? el?m?st?. Kolumnit on julkaistu<br /> Somero -lehdess? vuosina 2015-2023. Lis?ksi mukana on lukuisa<br /> joukko ulkopuolisia kirjoittajia. N?in on saatu aikaiseksi varsin<br /> mielenkiintoinen ja el?m?nmakuinen kokonaisuus, josta jokainen<br /> varmasti l?yt?? arkeensa ajattelemisen arvoisia kultahippuja.<br /> Johtaminen, elinik?inen oppiminen ja itsens? kehitt?minen ovat<br /> kolumnien kantavia teemoja.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

The Self-Compassion Journal: Art of Being Kinder to Yourself JOURNA...

  • 価格¥-
  • SELFーCOMPASSION JOURNAL Mike Annesley SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781398826045 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp


Oikeaa el?m??【電子書籍】[ Adeline Dieudonn? ]

  • 価格¥2,048
  • <p>“J?rkytt?v?, raivokkaan lempe?, tummaa komediaa t?ynn? oleva romaani.” ? <em>Kirkus Reviews</em></p> <p>Kansainv?liseen suurmenestykseen noussut romaani on intensiivinen, heng?stytt?v? lukukokemus, jossa tarun ja todellisuuden rajat h?ilyv?t, mutta hyv? ja paha ovat aina tunnistettavissa.</p> <p>Kotona on nelj? makuuhuonetta: yksi h?nelle, yksi pikkuveljelle Gillesille, yksi vanhemmille ja yksi kuolleille el?imille. Is? on mets?st?j? sanan kaikissa merkityksiss?, ja ?iti on t?ysin v?kivaltaisen puolisonsa armoilla.</p> <p>P?iv?t kuluvat veljen kanssa hyl?ttyjen autojen varikolla leikkiess?, j??tel?auton tuttua ??nt? odotellessa. Kun Gilles joutuu kammottavan onnettomuuden silminn?kij?ksi, kaikki muuttuu. Veli on saatava takaisin t?h?n ? oikeaan ? el?m??n, keinoja kaihtamatta.</p> <p>Raivoisaa ja runollista nuoren tyt?n kasvutarinaa on kuvailtu romaaniksi jossa “satujen viattomuus kohtaa Stephen Kingin trillereiden kauhun.” (RTL).</p> <p>Adeline Dieudonn? (s. 1982) asuu Brysseliss? perheens? kanssa. <em>Oikeaa el?m??</em> on h?nen esikoiskirjansa. Sen oikeudet on myyty 20 maahan ja romaanista on tekeill? elokuva. Kirja on saanut lukuisia palkintoja, mm. Goncourtin Belgia- ja Italia-palkinnot.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Tavataanko oikeasti?【電子書籍】[ Sophie Kinsella ]

  • 価格¥2,016
  • <p>Vastarakastuneen maailma on vaaleanpunainen.</p> <p>Kinsellan uusin, itsen?inen teos on hulvaton tarina naisesta, joka turhautuu deittisovelluksiin ja p??tt?? romantiikan sijaan keskitty? kirjan kirjoittamiseen, mutta yll?tt?en l?yt??kin rakkauden.</p> <p>Ava on ehk? toivoton romantikko, mutta h?n on aina luottanut enemm?n vaistoihinsa kuin algoritmeihin. Kun Ava matkustaa anonyymiin kirjoittajaretriittiin aurinkoiseen Italiaan, rakkaus on viimeinen asia h?nen mieless??n. Kunnes h?n tapaa komean muukalaisen… Yht?kki? kaikki on yht? purppurahattaraa, vaikka he eiv?t tied? edes toistensa oikeita nimi?.</p> <p>Kotiinpaluun my?t? todelliset identiteetit paljastuvat, eik? kommelluksilta v?ltyt?. Vaikka he rakastavatkin toisiaan, he eiv?t voi siet?? toistensa el?m?ntyylej?. Vastakohdat vet?v?t, mutta mihin suuntaan?</p> <p>Sophie Kinsella (s. 1969) on englantilaisen Madeleine Wickhamin kirjailijanimi. H?net tunnetaan erityisesti <em>Himoshoppaaja</em>-sarjastaan, jonka lis?ksi h?n on kirjoittanut useita itsen?isi? bestsellereit?, jotka ovat hurmanneet lukijat ymp?ri maailman. H?nen kirjojaan on myyty yli 40 miljoonaa kappaletta ja niit? on k??nnetty yli 40 eri kielelle. Kinsella on valmistunut Oxfordin yliopistosta ja ty?skenteli aiemmin taloustoimittajana. H?nen tavaramerkkej??n ovat nokkeluus ja pirte? huumori. H?n asuu Lontoossa aviomiehens? ja perheens? kanssa.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

The Work Smarter Guide to Negotiation The Insider's Guide to Negoti...

  • 価格¥2,028
  • <p><strong>Ditch the scripts and tricks for a smarter approach</strong></p> <p>Kirk Kinnell is a hostage negotiator and counter-terrorism expert with decades of experience. Jim Houghton has conducted complex M&A deals worth hundreds of millions. Despite their dramatically different backgrounds, they share the philosophy that negotiation is not a zero-sum game and that trust, integrity and fairness are essential to achieving a successful outcome.</p> <p>This book combines their vast knowledge to show you how to prepare for and conduct negotiations in almost any environment. What holds true for ending a siege or keeping a hostage alive could be the key to getting your toddler off to bed or agreeing a pay rise with your boss. Their invaluable advice will help you be resourceful and calm amid the stress and volatility of real-world negotiations.</p> <p>In business, this equates to winning repeat business and making more profit. In our personal lives, it means family harmony and better communities. If you are booking a wedding caterer or finding a builder for that long hoped-for renovation, it means seeing eye to eye and helping everyone get what they need on terms acceptable to them. And in hostage situations, it means saving lives. These techniques work at the highest level, and they will work for any situation you might face.</p> <p><strong>The <em>Work Smarter</em> series:</strong><br /> The 'Work Smarter' series of books provide shortcuts, tips and life-hacks for the development of essential business skills. The books bring together accomplished industry experts who have learned their trades at the coalface. They teach the skills ambitious businesspeople need in order to tip the playing field in their favour. It is the pirate equivalent of business advice; the antidote to conventional wisdom; 'smarter' practice over 'best practice'.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Breathe Like a Bear: First Day of School Worries: Story with Calmin...

  • 価格¥-
  • BREATHE LIKE A BEAR 1ST DAY OF Mindfulness Moments for Kids Kira Willey Anni Betts RODALE KIDS2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9780593486726 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction


Draw Like an Artist: 100 Faces and Figures: Step-By-Step Realistic ...

  • 価格¥2,050
  • 商品状態:本文が問題なく読める状態の商品です。カバーや本体に汚れ、日焼け、スレ、折れ痕、書き込み等のダメージがある場合があります。帯・チラシ等の封入物は原則的として付属しておりません。カバー・表紙の装丁・出版年月日及び版数が掲載されている画像と異なる場合がございます。店舗との併売商品の為、時間差で売り切れの際は全額ご返金させて頂きます。コンディションランク:C著者/出演 Chris Legaspi 発売元 発売日 2019年 JAN 9781631597107 部門名 分類 Draw Like an Artist タイトル関連商品:Draw著者関連商品:Chris Legaspiシリーズ関連商品:Draw Like an Artist


Web Services by Yahoo! JAPAN Rakuten Web Service Center
