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【日本正規品】エアホークプロ コードレス式電動エアコンプレッサー 日...

  • 価格¥14,473
  • Air Hawk Pro is a cordless air compressor that makes it easy to pump air into various things such as tires, balls, floats etc. Small, lightweight and cordless so it can be handled easily with one hand. Also equipped with an easy-to-read display. Compresses the air from outside and inflates items powerfully. (Press the trigger on the red handle when pumping). The rear buttons and LCD screen allow one to set the desired air pressure. Automatically stops when the air pressure reaches the pre-selected air pressure. Equipped with a LED light to allow one to work even in the dark. Feel secure even when you face trouble with car tire etc., in the middle of the night. (Exercise caution when using this product in the dark). A wide variety of attachments are also included - for balls, tires and vinyl products. This set comes with a car adapter and storage bag, making it convenient to carry about.

東京マルイ 電動ガン ステアーAUG

  • 価格¥25,799
  • メーカー


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