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モトツーリング2019年7月号【電子書籍】[ モトツーリング編集部 ]

  • 価格¥794
  • <p><strong>※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。</strong></p> <p>モトツーリング2019年7月号<br /> 【CONTENTS】</p> <p>〇信州穴場DEEP紀行</p> <p>雄大な山岳と驚きの展望。絶景の宝庫の信州は、本州No.1の旅人の聖地。モトツーリング編集部が厳選したガイドブックには載らないDEEPな信州をご紹介致します。さあ、これを読んで信州へツーリングに行こう!</p> <p>・奥信濃/秋山郷 ・志賀高原 ・ビーナスライン/美ヶ原高原 ・木曽路/伊那谷 ・穴場絶景信州道50選 ・DEEPな信州絶景 ・信州秘湯60選 ・信州蕎麦入門 ・旅宿&キャンプ場ガイド ・信州不思議探訪ミステリー ほか</p> <p>〇ライダーの聖地『阿蘇』を巡る旅〜阿蘇パノラマロード編(熊本県)</p> <p>全国のライダーに絶大な人気を誇る九州の「阿蘇」。今回は阿蘇登山道と呼ばれる阿蘇パノラマラインをレンタルバイクで徹底取材。さあ、今年こそ阿蘇ツーリングにデビューしよう!(※阿蘇はやわかりマップ付き)</p> <p>〇世界遺産『熊野三山』をめぐる(三重県・和歌山県)</p> <p>和歌山県・南紀の緑深き山並みの奥へ。平安時代から人々は熊野の地を目指して旅に出た。令和の鉄馬乗りは、熊野古道・中辺路ロードを駆け抜け、本宮、速玉、那智の熊野三山を参詣する。</p> <p>〇つまごいパノラマラインと愛妻家の聖地(長野県・群馬県)</p> <p>浅間山の北麓、一面にキャベツ畑が広がる中を駆け抜けるつまごいパノラマライン。愛妻家の聖地としても名高い同地の、キャベツ畑の中心で妻に愛を叫んでみよう。</p> <p>〇旅する絵描きの想筆紀行〜夏祭り「松本ぼんぼん」を先取り!</p> <p>〇日本七転八倒〜バイクでハイク?伊豆編</p> <p>〇おディープ党広報室〜オトナの社会科見学 産業遺産を訪ねる〜信州周辺の巻〜</p> <p>〇ツーリングでのあれやこれやエピソード〜旅ツーあれこれ</p> <p>〇使ってわかったITEM CHECK</p> <p>〇注目の輸入車一気試乗!</p> <p>BMW F850GSA、トライアンフタイガー1200XCA、ドゥカティムルティストラーダ1260S、KTM790DUKE、ハーレースポーツスターアイアン1200、アプリリアRX125 ほか</p> <p>◎[特別付録]冊子:最新!北海道 MAP GUIDE</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

The Plunge 120 poems about nature, love, loss, and life, using?28?d...

  • 価格¥601
  • <p>Matthew Robinson’s collection The Plunge features 120 poems about love, loss, life, nature, and other topics. The poems include free writes as well as 28 other poetic forms. While some poems focus on the minutiae of life, such as ‘The Bee’ and ‘Butterfly’, others take you around the world, such as ‘Forever in Mozambique’ and ‘Antarctica’. There are deep and profound life lessons offered within, but also songs of love sung across the pages. These are Robinson’s favorites amongst his poems, written over more than five years!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

I pilastri della fede【電子書籍】[ Dr. Brian J. Bailey ]

  • 価格¥606
  • <p>Le risposte a queste e ad altre domande si trovano in questo stimolante studio intorno alla fede. Riferendo episodi della propria vita di fede, il Dr. Bailey fa in modo che le Scritture prendano vita e fortifichino la nostra fede.<br /> Il Dr. Bailey definisce chiaramente la differenza tra la fede ed il credere. Inoltre, sono esaminati a fondo i seguenti temi:<br /> ? Il frutto della fede<br /> ? Il dono della fede<br /> ? Gli otto eroi (pilastri) della fede<br /> ? La guarigione divina<br /> ? Le benedizioni della fede.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Vederg?llning【電子書籍】[ Robert Harris ]

  • 価格¥677
  • <p><strong>NOVEMBER 1944</strong></p> <p>Tyskland ?r p? v?g att f?rlora andra v?rldskriget. I ett sista desperat f?rs?k har Hitler beordrat produktion av 10 000 ballistiska V-2-raketer ? v?rldens mest sofistikerade vederg?llningsvapen.</p> <p>Den tyske ingenj?ren Rudi Graf brukade dr?mma om att skicka en raket till m?nen. Ist?llet befinner han sig i det ockuperade Nederl?nderna d?r han ansvarar f?r avfyrningen av missiler mot London. Kay Caton-Walsh, medlem i den kvinnliga hj?lpflygk?ren och ?verlevande efter en V-2-attack, f?r i uppdrag att ?ka till Belgien och lokalisera avfyrningsplatserna. Det ?r bara en tidsfr?ga innan deras v?gar kommer att korsas.</p> <p>I <em>Vederg?llning</em> sm?lter <strong>Robert Harris</strong> p? sitt karakt?ristiska s?tt samman fakta med fiktion. Resultatet blir en fascinerande och tajt thriller om tv? f?ngslande m?nnisko?den mot bakgrund av en av de minst utforskade episoderna under andra v?rldskriget: den tyska missilkampanjen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

The Curse of Eve【電子書籍】[ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ]

  • 価格¥640
  • <p>Robert Johnson was an essentially commonplace man, with no feature to distinguish him from a million others. He was pale of face, ordinary in looks, neutral in opinions, thirty years of age, and a married man. By trade he was a gentleman’s outfitter in the New North Road, and the competition of business squeezed out of him the little character that was left. In his hope of conciliating customers, he had become cringing and pliable, until working ever in the same routine from day to day, he seemed to have sunk into a soulless machine rather than a man. No great question had ever stirred him. At the end of this snug century, self-contained in his own narrow circle, it seemed impossible that any of the mighty, primitive passions of mankind could ever reach him. Yet birth, and lust, and illness, and death are changeless things, and when one of these harsh facts springs out upon a man at some sudden turn of the path of life, it dashes off for the moment his mask of civilization and gives a glimpse of the stranger and stronger face below. Johnson’s wife was a quiet little woman, with brown hair and gentle ways. His affection for her was the one positive trait in his character. Together they would lay out the shop window every Monday morning, the spotless shirts in their green cardboard boxes below, the neckties above hung in rows over the brass rails, the cheap studs glistening from the white cards at either side, while in the background were the rows of cloth caps and the bank of boxes in which the more valuable hats were screened from the sunlight. She kept the books and sent out the bills. No one but she knew the joys and sorrows which crept into his small life. She had shared his exultations when the gentleman who was going to India had bought ten dozen shirts and an incredible number of collars, and she had been as stricken as he when, after the goods had gone, the bill was returned from the hotel address with the information that no such person had lodged there. For five years they had worked, building up the business, thrown together all the more closely because their marriage had been a childless one. Now, however, there were signs that a change was at hand, and that speedily. She was unable to come downstairs, and her mother, Mrs. Peyton, came over from Camberwell to nurse her and to welcome her grandchild.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Using Writing as a Therapy for Eating Disorders The diary healer【...

  • 価格¥7,024
  • <p><em>Using Writing as a Therapy for Eating Disorders: The diary healer</em> uses a unique combination of evidence-based research and raw diary excerpts to explain the pitfalls and benefits of diary writing during recovery from an eating disorder. In a time when diary writing remains a largely untapped resource in the health care professions, June Alexander sets out to correct this imbalance, explaining how the diary can inspire, heal and liberate, provide a learning tool for others and help us to understand and cope with life challenges.</p> <p>The book focuses on the power of diary writing, which may serve as a survival tool but become an unintended foe. With guidance, patients who struggle with face-to-face therapy are able to reveal their thoughts through writing and construct a strong sense of self. The effects of family background and the environment are explored, and the therapeutic value of sharing diaries, to better understand illness symptoms and behaviours, is discussed.</p> <p><em>Using Writing as a Therapy for Eating Disorders</em> will be of interest to those who have recovered or are recovering from eating disorders or any mental illness, as well as therapists, clinicians and others working in the medical and healthcare professions.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

Sterben - der H?hepunkt des Lebens Eine medizinisch-biblische Betra...

  • 価格¥330
  • <p>Die meisten Menschen haben Angst vor dem Sterben. Doch muss das so sein? Dieses Buch des Arztes und Seelsorgers Hartmut Maier-Gerber hilft bei der Vorbereitung auf das Lebensende. Mit Texten zum (Vor-)Lesen f?r Sterbende und Trauernde.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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