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気持ちを知ればもっと好きになる!犬の教科書 Let’s know m...

  • 価格¥1,430
  • 犬の魅力やふしぎを徹底分析!犬と人間の幸せとこれからを考える1冊。

The Billionaire’s Virgin Mistress

  • 価格¥756
  • The orphaned Tess is told that she is to inherit her long-lost grandfather Dell Lorimer’s fortune by his current heir, Cade. Her father was a junkie, and she doesn’t want to remember him! So Tess refuses to cooperate, but is moved by Cade’s serious eyes and Dell’s honest heart. Tess accepts the offer and tours the Lorimer family business, growing more and more attracted to Cade until...

Ghost Beside Him(1)

  • 価格¥110
  • Yuuko is a ghost and is super bored. She just wants someone to see her. And there's a high school boy who can... only he pretends not to. The more he acts like he has no idea, the more her obnoxious attempts to talk with him escalate...A ghastly comedy written by Toshiya Wakabayashi, creator of Tsuredure Children!

Ghost Beside Him(2)

  • 価格¥110
  • Yuuko is a ghost and is super bored. She just wants someone to see her. And there's a high school boy who can... only he pretends not to. The more he acts like he has no idea, the more her obnoxious attempts to talk with him escalate...A ghastly comedy written by Toshiya Wakabayashi, creator of Tsuredure Children!

ハイパーレブ Vol.205 ホンダ S660&BEAT

  • 価格¥2,099
  • 至高のS660をさらに楽しく強く美しく! <目次> HAPPY 1st Anniversary!! 無限S660 RA デビュー情報 Tuned S660 HYPER IMPRESSION MORE BEAUTIFUL 機能美をさらに引き立てる究極のアイテムたち S660チューニング フットワークパーツの選び方 SHOP&PARTS 最新情報 S660生産ラインを直撃! 八千代工業四日市製作所S660製造現場潜入記 掲載メーカー&ショップ問い合わせ一覧 奥付 BEAT中古車買い方情報 オーナー必見 BEATのメンテナンス BEATあと10年のリフレッシュ&チューニングパーツガイド Modulo Smile 水村リア スペシャルコラム EVENT REPORT 椋本陵開発責任者からのメッセージ

Spiritual Reading of Novel Coronavirus I

  • 価格¥1,473
  • This worldwide pandemic is not a mere act of nature nor a coincidence, but rather, heaven’s warning to humanity, especially China. Through more advanced spiritual abilities than Edgar Cayce’s, Ryuho Okawa conducted a spiritual reading on the novel coronavirus and revealed the astonishing truth that science can never uncover. By reading this book, you can find out: -Why the coronavirus broke out in China and how the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved -Why the outbreak had to occur now and what would have become of Hong Kong otherwise -The spiritual background of how viruses mutate into evil beings -What will serve as “the immunity” against the novel coronavirus -The divine will behind SARS, AIDS, the Spanish flu, and the Plague -Whether catastrophes will continue and the shocking prediction on the U.S. among others Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa’s unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person.

日本鍼灸の極意 管鍼法 <日英対訳版> Kanshin Method The E

  • 価格¥3,080
  • ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ※英語版は巻末から始まります ※The English version starts at the end of the book. 今や世界のスタンダード! 管を駆使した鍼 江戸期に記された秘伝テクニックも紹介 17世紀に管鍼法を創案し、德川綱吉の侍医も務めた盲目の鍼医・杉山和一。 和一が到達した鍼術の境地を学ぶ。 管頭を叩く、鍼管で針を摩擦する、振動させる…etc. 伝書に記された14技法も詳解! 管鍼法の技術&杉山和一、縁の地のガイド本。 世界中の鍼灸師、必読! A must-read for all acupuncturists around the world! If you are an acupuncturist or student, you may have heard that Japanese acupuncture is slightly different from TCM. Do you know what the differences are? `The Essence of Japanese Acupuncture is a book about the Kanshin method - an important and unique part of Japanese acupuncture. Simply put, this is the acupuncture practice that uses guide tubes. Nowadays, many acupuncturists around the world use guide tubes daily. But did you know the guide tubes (called Shinkan in Japanese,) were invented more than 300 years ago in Japan by Waichi Sugiyama, the father of Japanese acupuncture. Waichi is known as a master acupuncture physician, who became the court physician for the Tokugawa Shogunate. He was also the first educator in world history to build a school for the visually impaired. However, his life was not always successful, in fact more than half of his life was a chain of difficulties and challenges. But he kept his passion for helping people and making acupuncture safer and more comfortable, expanding the number of people who could benefit from it. Using guide tubes was an innovative acupuncture practice that made it possible to use thinner needles, giving easy, more comfortable insertions, without compromising the efficacy. These attributes represent how Japanese acupuncture can be gentle, yet powerful. This book is written by renowned acupuncturists and sensei who are passionate about letting the world know about the greatness of Japanese acupuncture. The book gives you insights and knowledge about basic Japanese acupuncture principles. Moreover, this book introduces the clinical techniques which use guide tubes. You can incorporate these into your practice to enhance the clinical efficacy. This is a must-read for all acupuncturists worldwide.

SALON GIRL magazine vol.2

  • 価格¥880
  • ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 SNSで話題のヘアサロンやネイルサロンで働く女性を大紹介! 今お手本にしたいファッションやビューティー、趣味、ライフスタイルが満載! いつだってHAPPYで輝いていたくない? 美容師、アイリスト、ネイリスト etc サロンで輝いている“サロンガール”の魅力がいっぱい! FASHION / HAIR&MAKE / LIFE STYLE...and more [CONTENTS] ・SALON GIRL'S FASHION ・SALON GIRL'S HAIR ・SALON GIRL'S BEAUTY ・SALON GIRL'S LIFE STYLE  ほか

The Frogs who wished for a King 【English/Japanese versions】

  • 価格¥216
  • The frogs lived very freely and peacefully under nobody’s control in a big pond. However, the frogs wanted more comfortable lives, and wished for a better king who orders them commands.(KiiroitoriBooks,Vol 66)

【デジタル限定 YJ PHOTO BOOK】美澄衿依写真集「お隣から恋。」

  • 価格¥880
  • ヤングジャンプ本誌グラビアのアザーカット集!  ギャルコン2021準グランプリの美澄衿依ちゃんが、ソロでYJに初登場!!キュートな笑顔に、マシュマロボディが魅力的で、 ついついS'moreしたくなる衿依ちゃん!初めましての方、お久しぶりの方、これからずっとよろしくお願いします!


  • 価格¥817
  • 彼氏ナシ男運ゼロ女、片付けられない女、寝起き最悪女、ドSでKU女、ダイエット惨敗女…and more 爽快な毒舌が気持ちイイ☆ 個性的な女子大生が巻き起こすちょっぴり毒入りキャンパスコメディー4コマ!!

Sugihara Chiune: The Duty and Humanity of an Intelligence Officer

  • 価格¥1,848
  • Sugihara Chiune was a diplomat who saved more than several thousand lives from the Nazis and U.S.S.R. during the second World War by issuing them with Japanese transit visas. Why was he able to continue handing out these “visas for life”? The man behind these actions was in fact an intelligence professional of rare caliber who, aware of the crisis confronting his nation early on, maintained a precarious balancing act as he traveled around war-torn Europe closely analyzing the global situation. The author, who has spent more than thirty years studying Sugihara, describes here for the first time the real person behind the diplomat and the truth behind the miraculous issue of those visas, based on his close study of documents in the voluminous archive of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of other historical sources. This nonfiction work is the tour de force of the Foreign Ministry’s preeminent “treasure hunter.”

Systemic Meology A Soft Systems A...

  • 価格¥3,080
  • Trifled by distorted and incorrect information、 we are often buried in a world of our own thoughts and suffer from our own inventions. It is indeed difficult to capture transient signals that we sensed、 signs of transference、 interpretation based on distortion、 replacement and even self-respect、 which we are supposed to have all the time. It is becoming more and more difficult to grasp “one's essence” -in other words、 one's value system- in this modern society. An effective way of grasping “one's essence”、 which many people have depended on for years、 was to adjust their mental models arbitrarily and to ignore their own emotions occasionally. For example、 in the world of religions and socialism、 it is considered to be a discipline to include such an artificial structure as doctrines and ideologies into a spiritual world and everyone involved is encouraged to copy a “given standard model (how they should be)”. Traditionally、 other characteristics were considered meaningless and their influence was denied. In the same way、 human emotions were slighted and alienated in the supreme rationalistic society until recently.

ドリンキング・ジャパン 【英日対照】英語で読む日本のお酒を楽しむ文化...

  • 価格¥1,188
  • 酒席で気の利いた話題を提供したい英語通訳ガイドの方に 本書『Drinking Japan』は、日本の酒文化に対する並々ならぬ愛情があふれる視点から書き下ろされた日英対訳の文化ガイドです。利酒師でありソムリエの上級資格ともいわれるWSET Level3を持つ著者が、日本酒だけではなく、様々な地域で造られている多様なお酒を、醸造の方法や種類の説明はもちろん、その歴史や普及の過程、はたまたぴったりな肴など、多岐にわたって紹介しています。 日本人でも知らないような日本の酒文化についての読み物として、なにより日本酒にかたよりがちな英文ガイドが物足りないという方に、ぜひ手に取っていただきたい一冊です。 Good drinking is a multidimensional experience. A finely produced wine or whisky, for example, will engage the drinker's four senses as he/she considers and evaluates such aspects of the drink as flavor, smell, appearance, and mouthfeel. This dimension should appeal to every serious sybarite. But the drinking experience is enhanced exponentially when one knows something about the history of the beverage, the culture from which it has emerged, its production process, and its marketing. In Drinking Japan―It' s Not Just Sake, we have provided our readers with all of this information and more. This intellectual dimension makes one a more interesting person, to be sure, but it may also provide input to the third dimension. The Irish call it “craic , which is the pleasure that good conversation and pleasant company bring. Of course, one can always talk about the weather or the latest blip, boom, bust, or belch from the stock market, but isn't it more interesting to discuss whether your Chardonnay is oaked or unoaked, your sake predominantly sweet or dry, or how long your whisky has been aged?

Japan's Approach to Legal and Judicial D

  • 価格¥2,156
  • Beginning with the drafting of Vietnam’s civil law in 1996, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has supported the “making of laws” in developing countries including Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. This is a field of cooperation unique to Japan, originating from its experience studying foreign legal systems during the Meiji Restoration. Today, Official Development Assistance (ODA) is considered one of the pillars of Japan’s rule of law promotion. JICA has collected documents relating to its 20 years of work, along with interviews with those involved in rule of law promotion from Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and more. Clashes over wariness towards foreigners and differences in understanding of legal terminology… This is a record of the obstacles overcome by the people of developing nations who wanted to draft their own national laws, and the Japanese lawyers who supported them, as well as their sincere efforts, struggles, and challenges. This is a recommended book for those interested in international cooperation, as well as those who want to know more about the rule of law promotion process.


  • 価格¥1,650
  • Create a memento of your trip to Japan that you'll cherish forever!If you're planning a trip to Japan this travel journal is a must-have,from the planning stages to the end of your vacation. The book opens with 16 pages of beautiful,full-color photos,maps and illustrations in scrapbook style,which not only provide useful information about Japan's top tourist destinations,but will also inspire you in your own scrapbooking and journaling. Use the 106 blank pages,alternately plain and lined,to record your own memories of your trip in words and pictures. The journal finishes with 4 pages of Japanese words and phrases that will come in handy as you explore this fascinating country!・pages 1-16: Travel information including subway maps & must-see destinations,such as: Tokyo,Harajuku and Meiji Shrine,Kyoto's Top ・Temples,Himeji Castle,and many more!・pages 17-123: Alternate plain and lined blank pages for sketching,scrapbooking,notes and journaling・pages 124-127: Useful words and phrases in JapaneseIncludes an interior back pocket for safekeeping tickets,momentos,and more!日本を旅した思い出を綴ったり、スケッチしたり、自由にカスタマイズして旅の思い出を深めることができるトラベラーズノート (旅行手帳)。

A Husband to Belong To

  • 価格¥756
  • Marla and Jaicey are twin sisters. They were separated at birth and reunited 24 years later, but Jaicey asks Marla to keep it a secret. She doesn’t want her loving adopted family to know about Marla yet. Jaicey’s brother, Jake, regards his sister’s new ”friend” with suspicion and is mean to Marla, but she is just happy to have a family of her own, after years of loneliness. How could she have known that more suffering awaits her...?

Rridge: The Avenger

  • 価格¥756
  • Dara helps her godfather, Harrison, with his campaigns for a U.S. presidential election. Being blessed with beauty and intelligence, she soon gains popularity as Harrison’s poster girl. But it also means she is a target of political enemies. Therefore, Harrison hires one of the best bodyguards for her?Ridge Jackson. Dara is stunned when she sees his shadowy gold eyes. How seductive he is... Isn’t it more dangerous to be with this sexy guy than to be a target of political rivalry?


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