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  • 価格¥1,080
  • パナソニック創業から六十年にわたる事業体験を通して商売のコツ、経営のコツを披露したビジネスパーソンへのメッセージ。 The Million-Dollar Knack for Successful Management summarizes Matsushita’s timeless essentials of the knack of management gleaned from more than sixty years of business experience. As you will learn from Matsushita, “Grasping the knack of management is worth a million dollars.”

リスアニ! 22

  • 価格¥1,320
  • 【表紙・巻頭特集】『ラブライブ!The School Idol Movie』μ'sスペシャル・インタビュー!【特集】デュラララ!!×2 転【アーティスト】アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ/早見沙織/TrySail/Ray/Kalafina×Aimer/ClariS/綾野ましろ/May'n…and more!


  • 価格¥2,464
  • オトメイトからリリースされた、PS Vita用ドS吸血恋愛ADV『DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE』の公式ビジュアルファンブックです。新たに登場した月浪兄弟の立ち絵や表情差分を書籍初収録! イベントCGや特定の条件をクリアしないとプレイできない各シナリオの開放条件はもちろん、特別企画として『DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE,BLOOD LIMITED V EDITION』のイラストや新規イベントCGも掲載しています。さらに公式ビジュアルファンブック恒例の企画では、逆巻兄弟・無神兄弟・月浪兄弟たちにふたりがかりで吸愛され、奪われ合う禁断の書き下ろしVERSUSストーリーを6編お届けします!

The Path of Prayer, Revised Edition

  • 価格¥2,200
  • The author's longtime bestseller is now available in English. When you are overcome by your emotions and strive to return to your real self; or when you seek to understand a deeper meaning endowed in a given situation, turn to this book and you will be guided through an inner journey toward discovery of your soul. With more than 60 new entries added, this revised edition covers a broad range of circumstances that one confronts in life. Trace the words of wisdom herein and let them accompany you on your path of life.


  • 価格¥5,940
  • The most comprehensive book on Kodojin's art ever published--beautiful and mysterious--a collection of more than 100 paintings with English translations of the inscribed poems.The Art and Life of Fukuda Kodojin is the first publication in English to offer an in-depth examination of Kodojin's life,painting,and poetry. This fully illustrated publication draws from institutions and private collections worldwide,and is the result of fifteen years of extensive research into almost eight hundred works of inscribed poetry,literati landscapes,brush paintings and calligraphy. A beautiful and contemplative look into the world of Kodojin,this coveted edition accompanies a special exhibition held at the Minneapolis Institute of Art.Unique,mysterious and distinctively expressive,The Art and Life of Fukuda Kodojin offers an unprecedented walk through the Old Taoist's mind,sure to both surprise and enlighten the curious reader,scholar,or literati enthusiast.福田古道人の芸術と生涯明治から昭和初期にかけて活躍した南画家・俳人である福田古道人の作品と生涯を、初期から後期まで100枚以上の絵画と画中に書かれた詩を通して紹介します。異様に高く聳え立つ山々を描く彼の作品はどこか瞑想的で美しく、落ち着いた色合いから色彩豊かなものまで見ている人を惹きつけます。画中に書かれた詩の原文と英訳に加え、彼の作風や生涯についての解説も充実しており、古道人の世界観をより深く理解していただける貴重な作品集のなっております。


  • 価格¥540
  • From the author of Dragon Zakura, the manga that shook the college admissions test-prep world in Japan to the core, comes a new work depicting high-stakes dealings in the stock market at an exceptional secondary school. The day after Takashi Zaizen entered the illustrious Dojuku Academy with top test scores, he was let in on the institution’s deepest secret, an introduced to the mysterious “investment club.” A six-person group made up of the top student from each class at Dojuku, the club carries a heavy responsibility: to generate an annual return of 8% or more on the school’s 300 billion yen endowment, keeping the top-class schools facilities in shape and tuition at zero. “The most thrilling game in the world, the thing that sets men’s blood ablaze… is money. Investment.” With those words, the genius Zaizen’s story of thrill and profit begins. Follow his road: read, learn, and start earning!

Pilgrimages in the Secular Age: From El Camino to Anime

  • 価格¥2,156
  • Religion and tourism seem to be an unlikely pair, but in fact, taking a look at these two human behaviors provides invaluable insight into modern society. In the past, holy sites were of immense importance to those who followed a particular religion, and these places used to attract many faithful pilgrims. These days, however, people without faith visit holy places simply to experience something out of the ordinary. Furthermore, many places without any connection to religion are being called “sacred” and attracting people’s interest. What really drives people there, and what do people want to gain from the experience? In this informative book, the author discusses various pilgrimages in order to shed light on new types of religious views and faiths that have come into being in the twenty-first century. The book explores the Santiago pilgrimage in Spain; the eighty-eight temple pilgrimage in Shikoku, Japan; B-grade tourist spots; so-called “power spots”; sacred anime sites; and much more. Through examining these places and the people who visit them, the reader will experience a shift in perspective and discover that in this secular age, holy places are no longer supported by religions and doctrines alone. The interchanges between a place and its community of people are what make a place holy. People are placing more importance on the shared image and experience expected to be had there. This is a must-read for researchers investigating the link between tourism and religion and how the two influence each other.

My Father, Kim Jong-il, and I 【文春e-Books】

  • 価格¥1,200
  • *この電子書籍は、2016年10月07日に発売した『父・金正日と私 金正男独占告白』の英訳版です。 The abrupt death of Kim Jong-il, North Korea’s supreme leader, in late 2011 has propelled Kim Jong-un, his third and youngest son, to the helm of the reclusive communist state. As the untested young leader tries to consolidate his power, Kim Jong-nam, his half-brother who lives a life of exile in China, is keeping an eye on the precarious situation in his homeland. On January 3, 2012, just weeks after his father’s death, Kim Jong-nam sent an e-mail to a Japanese journalist asking a scathing rhetorical question: “Power transfer to the third generation is unacceptable. How can a young successor, with only two years of grooming, take over the absolute power that has been sustained for the last 37 years?” Based on seven hours of interviews and more than 150 e-mails between Kim Jong-nam and the journalist, Yoji Gomi, “My Father, Kim Jong-il, and I” gives readers around the world rare insight into North Korea through first-hand accounts from the man who holds the key to the fate of the country’s new regime.

The Art of Emptiness

  • 価格¥3,003
  • For several hundred years, Japanese porcelain has been highly acclaimed and sought after around the world. Sophisticated porcelain ware has long been produced in the Arita area of Kyushu, and artisans from the Kakiemon family have gained particular renown for their skill in enamels and their artistic designs. Now, for the first time, the techniques and tradition behind the creation of their ceramic works are disclosed through the words of the late Kakiemon XIV. Starting with his childhood memories, he talks about his father and grandfather and what he inherited from them; how the craftsmen work at the kiln; and how materials such as stone, clay, and firewood play a crucial part in creating the works. Most striking of all are the explanations of aka-e overglaze enamels and nigoshide porcelain, the characteristics that make Kakiemon ware so phenomenal. With more than twenty color plates depicting Kakiemon pieces from museums and private collections, this volume provides rare insight into one of the world’s most famous kilns.

和ごはん101 Wagohan: The ABCs of Japanese Cu

  • 価格¥1,320
  • ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ロング・セラー本『おにぎりレシピ101』につづく バイリンガルブック・101シリーズ第二弾。 和食ってなんだろう? そんな疑問から生まれた本書。 日常のごはんからご馳走ごはん、和菓子や和の食材にいたるまで、 日本の食卓まわりの魅力を総ざらいしてみました。 日本人でも知っているようで知らない 和の道具や歳時記のしつらえも紹介しています。 知っておきたい日本の食卓まわり101*、 Washoku(和食)の魅力を外国人に伝える本としても、ご活用いただけます。 全文英訳付き。 *101とは、英語で基礎編を表す意味もあります。 Japanese cuisine is a worldwide favorite. But how do you explain the beauty of this unique food culture? It’s hard to find a cuisine more diverse in range; whether it’s everyday home cooked meals, popular “Western” style, hearty and affordable “B-class” staples, seasonal dishes, sushi, or high-end kaiseki multicourse dinners, Japanese food encompasses all. This book reviews the basics of essential Japanese food culture, full of traditional wisdom and customs, in 101 items. It’s the perfect introduction to Japanese cuisine, giving you a glimpse into the heart and spirit of washoku.

eS4 no.75

  • 価格¥1,100
  • eS4 2018 JULY vol. 75 013/015/017 eS4 FRONT LINE 018 やり過ぎない抜け感ユーロモディファイ Modify Minimalism 020 MERCEDES-AMG GLE43 COUPE/ABYSS AUTO BOUTIQUE 024 MERCEDES-AMG GLE43/ABYSS AUTO BOUTIQUE 026 PORSCHE 911 TURBO S CABRIOLET/THE CHECK SHOP 028 AUDI RS 6 AVANT/BOND SHOP TOKYO 030 VW ARTEON/5x 032 BMW 523d TOURING M SPORT/cpm 034 AUDI RS 5/mouf. World Tuning Reports 世界のチューニング最前線リポート 042 Worthersee Treffen 2018「世界最大級のVW&AUDIミーティング」[Austria] 048 Tuning World Bodensee 2018「欧州最大級のチューニングカーショー」[Germany] 050 KW AUTOMOTIVE「勝利を追う者が選ぶサスペンション」[Germany] 053 FORGE MOTORSPORT「揺るぎない信頼性の高さがモータースポーツを支える」[England] 056 MILLTEK SPORT「欧州パフォーマンスエキゾーストの代名詞的存在」[England] 058 世界最大規模の過酷な24時間耐久レース World Race Report GERMANY ニュルブルクリンク24時間レース 062 THE REAL STORY BEHIND RACE 短期連載 挑戦者たちのリアルストーリー サンライズ幸平サンのニュル24時間への道 MORE POWER & TORQUE ! パフォーマンス・チューニング最新事情 066 Drive. BMW M3/NEUSPEED VW GOLF 7&7.5/3D DESIGN BMW M2&M4 073 STUNNING! R370+ 刺激強め。R指定のゴルフVII/J FACTORY MORE EXOTICS エキゾチックカーの魅力を引き出すモディファイに注目 076 FERRARI 488 SPIDER/BOND SHOP OSAKA WHEEL IN STYLE 話題の新作ホイールで実現するニュースタイル 080 ANRKY AN 29 082 Z-PERFORMANCE FORGED 14 & 15 084 TSW Chrono Rotary Forged 086 WORK Gran Seeker CCX 088 LEONHARDIRITT Geist 090 SSR ABELA TW10 092 TITAN 7 T-R10 & T-S5 BMW EVOLUTION 唯我独尊のオリジナル仕様 094 420i Gran Coupe/S:iz 096 420i Coupe/Garage EVE.RYN 098 M325i/Panorama Craft 100 740i/WALD AUDI PRIDE スポーツアウディのすすめ 102 A6(C7)/T’S CLUB 104 TT RS(8J)/MACARS 今こそフロントリップスポイラー! 注目ブランドの最新アイテム徹底紹介 108 AIUDI A1 SPORTBACK ADMIRED LIMITED/NEXT innovation 110 BMW 420i GRAN COUPE/STOMPIN’ARK 112 VW GOLF 7.5 GTI & 7 CULB SPORT/GARAGE VARY 114 注目ブランドのフロントリップスポイラーカタログ EVENT REPORT 120 STANCENATION JAPAN G Edition NAGASAKI 122 USDM jam 124 Beetle Meeting KYOTO 126 wekfest 129 X5 FUKUOKA 130 X5 OSAKA 131 MOTORFAN FESTA 132 MOTOR SPORT × EURO TUNING ユーロチューニング的モータースポーツの楽しみ方 136 RECOMMEND PRO SHOP アビスオートブティック/ロンクラフト/Drive. 139 GOOD ITEM BREX Advanced Monitor MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 140 「アドブルーの補充とセンサー清掃」 COOL RUNNING 142 「ゴルフでもなくA4でもない、ベース車ジェッタの魅力」 Sanfter Wind DEPARTMENTS 144 eS4コラム 146 The Latest News 新製品情報 149 読者プレゼント & アンケート 150 お得な定期購読のお知らせ 151 バックナンバー購入ガイド 153 奥付

How to Draw Cute Doodles and Illu...

  • 価格¥1,980
  • Perfect for doodlers of all ages and the ideal companion for kids at home or on the go!Grab a piece of paper or a digital sketchpad and get drawing! In three easy steps,you can go from a squiggle or a few lines to a silly Santa Claus or a fluffy-maned lion. It's that simple!Kamo's funny,feel-good drawings and doodles have earned her a worldwide reputation. With this all-in-one beginner's guide,her easy step-by-step instructions will inspire readers to sit down and draw something. In this irresistible book,Kamo shows you:More than 1000 examples to make on your own--no prior training requiredHow to use your doodles to dress up your classroom,workspace,bedroom and moreTips for making signs,cards,invitations and newsletters using your drawingsKamo's message is simple and clear--once you know the basics,you can draw anything! There are no rules to follow or classes to take. Just follow her lead and see where your imagination takes you!With Kamo's fun,simple approach,there's room for everyone at the art table.海外でも人気のイラストレーター「カモさん」のかわいいイラストを3ステップで誰でも簡単に描けてしまうテクニックを紹介します。今回は保育の現場で活躍するイラストを集め、男の子や女の子、かわいい動物たち、12ヶ月の行事、子どもたちが好きな遊びや食べ物など全部で1000に及ぶイラストを掲載しています。またイラストで彩るチラシやカード、お便りの製作も紹介します。

What makes KOREA insult JAPAN

  • 価格¥1,963
  • 本書は呉善花による「反日韓国論」の集大成にしてベストセラー『侮日論』(文春新書)を英訳し、電子書籍化したものです。 Through this book, you will get to know true historical and social reasons why Koreans have continued to resent and insult Japanese people. The author of this book will share with you her inexcusable experiences with the Korean authorities who took away her human rights, certainly knowing that she was born as a Korean but is now a naturalized Japanese citizen. Though it is not wildly known that the relationship between Japan and Korea is not as good as you might think, it is hard to believe that reasons for some offensive actions taken by Koreans against Japanese people, which this book discusses, will definitely shed light on what truly was happening during the past decades. The annexation of Korea and the WWII might be the reasons behind these offensive actions against Japanese people. However, most of Japanese people simply can’t accept these behaviors. In fact, Korean people should realize that during the 1900’s, Japan helped Korea economically and socially, and improved Korea’s social and physical infrastructure that laid the foundation for Korea to become a modernized and industrialized society. Japan also has been fulfilling Korea’s requests, such as paying compensatory money for “so-called comfort women.” However, it seems that such compensation was not enough to Korean people, who kept asking for more. We cannot deny the fact that Korea has been taking an advantage of the comfort woman issue and the kind-hearted attitude of the Japanese people. As a result, Korean people keep on looking down Japanese people and spreading Korean people’s hate toward Japanese people through Korea’s education system. So, let’s take a look at what the author says about the real situation between Japan and Korea nowadays.

おにぎりレシピ101:EVERYDAY ONIGIRI 101 Healthy,

  • 価格¥1,100
  • ※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 101人いれば、101通り、好みのおにぎりがあります。 マイおにぎりを作ってもらうためのヒントになればと、クッキングアドバイザー・山田玲子が101のおにぎりレシピを考えました。全文英訳付き。 日本のソウルフード、easy、simple、healthyなおにぎりは海外でも人気です。 外国の方へのプレゼントなど、小さな外交がこの本から始まります。 Onigiri-a healthy fast food-is the soul food of the Japanese. Although it may not be as widely recognized as sushi, onigiri is synonymous with the phrase “taste of home,” and is a staple of Japanese comfort food. Its simplicity-just combining rice and toppings-offers endless possibilities without borders. The portable onigiri can be served in all kinds of situations. It’s perfect for bento lunch, as a light snack, or even as party food. Reiko Yamada’s 101 simple and easy riceball (onigiri) recipes include mixed, grilled, sushi-style onigiri and more! This cookbook is a perfect introduction to the art of onigiri-making, filled with unique recipes that are bound to inspire your Japanese culinary creativity. Pick up a copy, and you’ll become an onigiri expert in no time!

Another Kyoto

  • 価格¥1,468
  • Another Kyoto is a book unlike any you have ever read about Japan. With his unexpected and counterintuitive approach, Alex Kerr transforms our conventional views of the city and its traditions. This book is the fruit of Alex Kerr’s half-century of living in Japan and of lore gleaned from people he’s met along the way: artists, Zen monks and Shinto priests, Japanese literati, and expat personalities from days past, such as legendary art dealer David Kidd. Kerr turns what we thought we knew about Kyoto inside-out, revealing the inner ideas behind simple things like walls, floors, and sliding doors. After this book, one can never walk through a Zen gate in the same way again. Yet despite its wealth of detailed knowledge and insight, Another Kyoto has the light-hearted character of an ideal travel companion. Another Kyoto, published simultaneously in Japanese, is a book not only for visitors and foreign residents, but for Japanese themselves, who seek to penetrate more deeply into this endlessly fascinating city. 「もうひとつの京都」英語版として同時発売。

SOseki Natsume’s I Am a Cat The Ma...

  • 価格¥1,760
  • 『コミック版 吾輩は猫である』(ホーム社刊)英訳版夏目漱石の名作『吾輩は猫である』の英文グラフィックノベル版。明治時代の日本で、中学校の英語教師をしている珍野苦沙弥の家に飼われている猫の視点から、珍野一家や、そこに集う彼の友人や門下の書生たちを風刺的・戯画的に描いた作品。名前もなく、鼠を捕らえることもしない猫がただ人間観察に徹し、人間社会の可笑しみや哀れさを描きだす。Japan's beloved literary masterpiece brought to life in manga form!This is the very first manga edition in English of this classic piece of Japanese literature. The story lends itself well to a graphic novel format, allowing readers to pick up on the more subtle cues of the expressive cat, while also being immersed in the world of his perceptive narration. It is true to classic manga form, and is read back to front.Beautifully illustrated by Japanese artist Chiroru Kobato, this edition provides a visual, entertaining look at a unique period in Japan's history?filled with cultural and societal changes, rapid modernization and a feeling of limitless possibility?through the eyes of an unlikely narrator.


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