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Bobby Vinton/More Of Bobby's Greatest Hits[26187]

  • 価格¥1,890

Feet (Rock)/What's Inside Is More Than Just Ham[855380008920]

  • 価格¥1,890

What makes KOREA insult JAPAN

  • 価格¥1,963
  • 本書は呉善花による「反日韓国論」の集大成にしてベストセラー『侮日論』(文春新書)を英訳し、電子書籍化したものです。 Through this book, you will get to know true historical and social reasons why Koreans have continued to resent and insult Japanese people. The author of this book will share with you her inexcusable experiences with the Korean authorities who took away her human rights, certainly knowing that she was born as a Korean but is now a naturalized Japanese citizen. Though it is not wildly known that the relationship between Japan and Korea is not as good as you might think, it is hard to believe that reasons for some offensive actions taken by Koreans against Japanese people, which this book discusses, will definitely shed light on what truly was happening during the past decades. The annexation of Korea and the WWII might be the reasons behind these offensive actions against Japanese people. However, most of Japanese people simply can’t accept these behaviors. In fact, Korean people should realize that during the 1900’s, Japan helped Korea economically and socially, and improved Korea’s social and physical infrastructure that laid the foundation for Korea to become a modernized and industrialized society. Japan also has been fulfilling Korea’s requests, such as paying compensatory money for “so-called comfort women.” However, it seems that such compensation was not enough to Korean people, who kept asking for more. We cannot deny the fact that Korea has been taking an advantage of the comfort woman issue and the kind-hearted attitude of the Japanese people. As a result, Korean people keep on looking down Japanese people and spreading Korean people’s hate toward Japanese people through Korea’s education system. So, let’s take a look at what the author says about the real situation between Japan and Korea nowadays.

How to Draw Cute Doodles and Illu...

  • 価格¥1,980
  • Perfect for doodlers of all ages and the ideal companion for kids at home or on the go!Grab a piece of paper or a digital sketchpad and get drawing! In three easy steps,you can go from a squiggle or a few lines to a silly Santa Claus or a fluffy-maned lion. It's that simple!Kamo's funny,feel-good drawings and doodles have earned her a worldwide reputation. With this all-in-one beginner's guide,her easy step-by-step instructions will inspire readers to sit down and draw something. In this irresistible book,Kamo shows you:More than 1000 examples to make on your own--no prior training requiredHow to use your doodles to dress up your classroom,workspace,bedroom and moreTips for making signs,cards,invitations and newsletters using your drawingsKamo's message is simple and clear--once you know the basics,you can draw anything! There are no rules to follow or classes to take. Just follow her lead and see where your imagination takes you!With Kamo's fun,simple approach,there's room for everyone at the art table.海外でも人気のイラストレーター「カモさん」のかわいいイラストを3ステップで誰でも簡単に描けてしまうテクニックを紹介します。今回は保育の現場で活躍するイラストを集め、男の子や女の子、かわいい動物たち、12ヶ月の行事、子どもたちが好きな遊びや食べ物など全部で1000に及ぶイラストを掲載しています。またイラストで彩るチラシやカード、お便りの製作も紹介します。

ソニー・ミュージックアーティスツ 40周年記念 スペシャル・ブック「WHA...

  • 価格¥2,037
  • ありがとう! 40周年1974年に創設され、2014年をもって40周年を迎える株式会社ソニー・ミュージックアーティスツ。それを記念して発刊される「WHAT's SMA?」は、40周年にあたり、“SMA特命係長"に就任した綾小路 翔 [氣志團] が責任編集長を務めるスペシャルな一冊! ここでしか読むことのできない所属アーティスト&タレント同士の豪華絢爛なスペシャル対談の数々を中心に、まさにSMAにしかなすことのできない至高のエンタテインメントをお届けする。[CONTENTS] YUKI × 綾小路 翔 [氣志團]/奥田民生 × 倉科カナ/真心ブラザーズ × 蓮佛美沙子/木村カエラ × 二階堂ふみ/西野カナ× 高田里穂× トミタ栞/PUFFY × 川畑 要/野宮真貴 × 堂島孝平 × 土岐麻子/八熊慎一 [SPARKS GO GO] × ROLLY/加藤隆志・茂木欣一 [東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ] × 山内総一郎 [フジファブリック] /渡辺大知 [黒猫チェルシー] × 橋本 愛/サンボマスター × OKAMOTO'S/ミッツ・マングローブ×UNISON SQUARE GARDEN/Base Ball Bear × チャットモンチー/バイきんぐ × THE イナズマ戦隊/住岡梨奈 × 武田梨奈 × 片平里菜/徳光和夫 × 渡辺満里奈 and more !

The Three-Minute Coach

  • 価格¥2,052
  • The godfather of coaching in Japan brings you the simplest guide to human resource management based upon the incredibly popular 2007 lecture “Corporate Coaching in Japan: Improving Business Performance by Improving Relationships,” held at New York University. The methods introduced don't require any formal coaching skills: all you need to do is create three minutes to think about your direct reports and speak to them. Making this time for your employees will help them grow far more than trying to strictly follow rules set out in other complicated management books. The Three-Minute Coach places a heavy emphasis on learning to foresee when and why your direct reports will want to speak to you. This is because effective leaders are not only well versed in management theory, but also know when and how to apply their knowledge. Each chapter also contains multiple “Three-Second Tips” which summarize the main points, giving you a quick reference when you are short of time. The methods in this book are applicable whether you work at a store with only one employee or at a multinational corporation with a staff of thousands. Itoh’s methods provide managers with stress-free solutions to any problem at hand. Simple, easy and effective, The Three-Minute Coach will transform your organization and employees, helping them to realize their full potential.

Words to Live by

  • 価格¥2,079
  • Nakano Koji opens the door to the treasury of Japanese classics by introducing six writers who are his personal favorites. The writers under his lens span seven centuries, ranging from the twelfth century to the nineteenth. Three are poets; three wrote timeless prose. The hermit-monk Ryokan, a poet who loved nothing more than bouncing balls with neighborhood children or just sitting sprawled in his hut listening to the sound of rain, teaches the value of living with a spirit of play. Kenko offers trenchant comments on the aesthetics of life, grounded in an appreciation of the immediacy of death. Kamo no Chomei, a journalist par excellence, found happiness late in life by flouting convention and “rejoicing in the absence of grief.” Dogen, the founder of Soto Zen in Japan, takes us on a mind-bending trip to the Dharma―ultimate truth―that involves revolutionary ways of conceiving of time, life, and death. Saigyo, the beloved itinerant monk-poet, continually explores his own wayward heart and its vast, incorrigible love of beauty. Buson the haiku poet uses his painter’s eye to capture cosmic vistas as well as moments of poignancy in poems of seventeen syllables.

Telarc's Got More Blues: New Blues For 2000[BYXCD1]

  • 価格¥2,090

The Little Book of Japan

  • 価格¥2,090
  • CDサイズのコンパクトな日本風景写真集です。桜、紅葉などの日本の美しい風景や城郭、神社仏閣など古き良き日本にも触れられます。ギフトに最適な1冊。Small and easily portable、 The Little Book of Japan is organized in a series of 44 essays contained within four chapters: Cultural Icons、 Traditions、 Places and Spiritual Life. Under these four overarching ideals、 Vilhar and Anderson explore a wide range of topics from Japanese cultural icons and traditions to Japan's spiritual life to its unique cities and villages. Broad enough to satisfy anyone with an interest in the culture、 art、 and beliefs of this unique island nation、 yet comprehesive enough for the true Japanophile、 The Little Book of Japan is a stunning collection of photographs and thoughful essays. With everything from Cherry Blossoms to Sushi、 Calligraphy to Kimonos、 Old Tokyo to Hiroshima、 to intimate details of Buddhism and Pilgrimages、 this book is a beautiful and enjoyable way to learn more about the fascinating island nation of Japan.

ハイパーレブ Vol.205 ホンダ S660&BEAT

  • 価格¥2,099
  • 至高のS660をさらに楽しく強く美しく! <目次> HAPPY 1st Anniversary!! 無限S660 RA デビュー情報 Tuned S660 HYPER IMPRESSION MORE BEAUTIFUL 機能美をさらに引き立てる究極のアイテムたち S660チューニング フットワークパーツの選び方 SHOP&PARTS 最新情報 S660生産ラインを直撃! 八千代工業四日市製作所S660製造現場潜入記 掲載メーカー&ショップ問い合わせ一覧 奥付 BEAT中古車買い方情報 オーナー必見 BEATのメンテナンス BEATあと10年のリフレッシュ&チューニングパーツガイド Modulo Smile 水村リア スペシャルコラム EVENT REPORT 椋本陵開発責任者からのメッセージ

The Remarkable History of Japan-US Relations

  • 価格¥2,156
  • After the Pacific War, the bitter enemies Japan and the United States became fast friends and allies. Most observers in the West believe Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor was unprovoked, but what had led Japan to take such action? The arrival of American “black ships” in Japan in 1853 was one cause of the fall of the shogunate and the restoration of imperial power little more than a decade later. That set Japan on the road to international expansion in imitation of Western imperial powers. This volume recounts this saga from the Russo-Japanese War and Japanese expansion in Manchuria to the brink of war with the United States.

The Lure of Pokemon: Video Games and the Savage Mind

  • 価格¥2,156
  • Video games are often thought to draw children out of nature and into isolated, closed spaces. In The Lure of Pokemon: Video Games and the Savage Mind, however, Nakazawa Shinichi shows how the Pokemon series of video games, far from standing in opposition to nature, actually seeks to represent the true, hidden essence of the natural world. From humble beginnings as a video game launched in the mid-90s, Pokemon has become a global entertainment franchise, even reaching into the real world with “augmented reality” via the mobile game Pokemon Go. Nakazawa argues that the Pokemon worldview is the best contemporary example of Levi-Strauss’s “savage mind” (la pensee sauvage). As the natural environment is transformed around them, the author suggests, children that would once have directly observed and explored nature encounter it through technology instead. Contemporary games and other narratives can often be viewed as attempts to reconnect the human unconscious with nature, undoing the separation effected by the scientific, rational thought of Western modernity. Nakazawa also shows how games like Pokemon recreate deep-rooted social patterns. When characters capture monsters, carry them around in “Poke Balls,” and swap them with other characters, they are part of a tradition in which trade is more than just the exchange of goods. Barter is a much more profound form of communication in which each participant also receives part of the other. The author supports his argument through close analysis of the history and even prehistory of video games in Japanese culture. Drawing on mythology, Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, and other resources, he explores cultural touchstones like Space Invaders, Ultraman, and the RPG as a genre, showing how their rich, direct expression appeals directly to the urges and impulses within children themselves, helping them come to terms with their place in the world. The Lure of Pokemon: Video Games and the Savage Mind is both a work of game criticism revealing la pensee sauvage within today’s video games and an examination of Japanese culture as the context from which the Pokemon phenomenon was born.

Pilgrimages in the Secular Age: From El Camino to Anime

  • 価格¥2,156
  • Religion and tourism seem to be an unlikely pair, but in fact, taking a look at these two human behaviors provides invaluable insight into modern society. In the past, holy sites were of immense importance to those who followed a particular religion, and these places used to attract many faithful pilgrims. These days, however, people without faith visit holy places simply to experience something out of the ordinary. Furthermore, many places without any connection to religion are being called “sacred” and attracting people’s interest. What really drives people there, and what do people want to gain from the experience? In this informative book, the author discusses various pilgrimages in order to shed light on new types of religious views and faiths that have come into being in the twenty-first century. The book explores the Santiago pilgrimage in Spain; the eighty-eight temple pilgrimage in Shikoku, Japan; B-grade tourist spots; so-called “power spots”; sacred anime sites; and much more. Through examining these places and the people who visit them, the reader will experience a shift in perspective and discover that in this secular age, holy places are no longer supported by religions and doctrines alone. The interchanges between a place and its community of people are what make a place holy. People are placing more importance on the shared image and experience expected to be had there. This is a must-read for researchers investigating the link between tourism and religion and how the two influence each other.

commmons schola vol.1 Ryuichi Sakamoto Selections:J.S.Bach

  • 価格¥2,160
  • 坂本龍一総合監修による次世代のための音楽全集『コモンズ・スコラ』。ついに待望の電子書籍シリーズがスタートします。古今東西の様々な音楽を対象に、クラシック・ポピュラー・民族音楽といったジャンルの枠を超え、坂本龍一の耳を通した選りすぐりの作品を紹介します。※本書はCDブック『コモンズ・スコラ(commmons: schola)』の付属ブックレットを電子書籍化した商品です。音声データは含まれていません。※本書はリフロー型で制作されていますが、巻末年表など一部のコンテンツを固定レイアウトで配信しています。あらかじめご了承ください。第1巻は坂本龍一選曲による「J・S・バッハ」。誰もが名前は知っているJ・S・バッハの音楽、そして作曲家が生きた時代について、坂本龍一が浅田彰、小沼純一とともにこれまでにない視点で語り合います。すでにクラシック音楽に親しんでいる方はもちろん、今まであまり触れる機会がなかった方にも、J・S・バッハの豊かな魅力をお伝えします。坂本龍一メッセージ「いま僕らが聴いたり作ったりしている音楽を遡っていくと、バッハが生きていた時代につながります。一つの『標準』であると同時に、いま触れても新鮮で面白い、バッハの魅力をぼくたちと一緒にぜひ楽しんでください。」坂本龍一目次●巻頭言: scholaのために/坂本龍一 浅田彰●鼎談: 「いま」が還りつくところ、バッハ/坂本龍一 浅田彰 小沼純一●バッハ断章(フラグメンツ)/後藤繁雄・選●原典解説/片桐卓也●推薦盤/坂本龍一・選●年表著者略歴坂本龍一/Ryuichi Sakamoto音楽家。1952年東京生まれ。78年『千のナイフ』でソロ・デビュー、同年YMO結成に参加。YMO散開後、88年映画『ラストエンペラー』でアカデミー賞作曲賞、その他を受賞。常に革新的なサウンドを追求する姿勢は世界的評価を得ている。2006年、新たな音楽コミュニティ「commmons」をエイベックスとともに設立。2007年には一般社団法人「more trees」を設立し森林保全と植林活動を行うなど、90年代後半より環境問題などへ積極的に関わる。また、東日本大震災後はさまざまな被災者支援プロジェクトに関わるとともに、脱原発を訴える活動を行っている。主な作品に『B-2 UNIT』 『音楽図鑑』 『BEAUTY』 『LIFE』 『out of noise』 『THREE』、著書に『音楽は自由にする』、共著に『縄文聖地巡礼』『いまだから読みたい本―3.11後の日本』『村上龍と坂本龍一 21世紀のEV.Caf?』など。90年よりニューヨーク在住。


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