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楽譜 山崎まさよし全曲集   2

  • 価格¥3,300
  • 今年デビュー15周年を迎えた 山崎まさよし の全楽曲を収載したギター弾き語りスコアを年代別に2冊に分けて発売!ハーモニカ・パートもタブ譜付きで掲載した、山崎まさよしの歴史が分かる完全保存版です。 【曲目】〈vol.1〉月明かりに照らされて/心拍数/中華料理/パンを焼く/アドレナリン/セロリ/Fat Mama/ONE more time、 ONE more chance/ヤサ男の夢/名前のない鳥/僕はここにいる/ガムシャラ バタフライ/ド ミ ノ/Passage/やわらかい月/明日の風/他。〈vol.2〉シングルマン/君と見てた空/創世歌/Introduction/Let’S form A R&R band/ぼくのオンリー ワン/ルナちっく/HOBO Walking/ブランコ/花火/I’m sorry/全部、君だった。/未完成/8月のクリスマス/春も嵐も/Greeting Melody/真夜中のBoon Boon/他。

About South Korea

  • 価格¥1,650
  • The case of wartime laborers, compensation for comfort women, dispute over theLiancourt Rocks (Takeshima / Dokdo)... the anti-Japanese activities in Korea seems tobecome more and more violent for the last few years.For the better understanding of Korea, here we would like to review Korean history andcandidly show the points about which we regularly have questions. We would ask people inthe world to judge whether this belief is correct. ≪about the author≫ In 1938, Masaru TOKUDA was born in Japan, as the second son of a fallen soldier. After graduating from a technical school, engaged in research & development, manufacturing and sales of industrial machinery equipment. Also, engaged in corporatemanagement for a Japanese private enterprise. Through the business, interacted with people from India, four Southeast Asian countries, twenty-six provinces/cities of China, Taiwan, South Korea, three European countries andthe United States. After retirement, lived his life at the fullest. But concerned about intense of anti-Japanesemovement in South Korea. Established the “Association for the Review of Japan-KoreaRelationship”, and now works in research about the relationship of two countries.


  • 価格¥270
  • 2006年『ときめき めんライフ』、2008年『おかわり! めんライフ』に続く、待望の第三弾をリリース! 初代は200玉、二代目は230玉、そして今回は270玉!! ラーメン、うどん、蕎麦、読んで腹が減りすすればしあわせな気分になれる、京阪神のいま食べに行きたい麺をぎっしりずっしりどっさり紹介。あなたの人生に彩りを添える、よりよき麺をお届けします。 【いま、出会っておきたい麺と人。】 山崎麺二郎/讃岐うどん 白庵/金久右衛門 本店/ うどん工房 悠々/うどん屋 きすけ and more! 【イケめんキーワード】 つけめんバリエ/なにはなくとも、釜たけ/住宅街のモダン蕎麦/新感覚カレー/サイエンティスト and more! 【熱烈応援! チームめん。】 「麺哲」「きんせい」「東龍」「麺や 輝」「龍旗信」「無鉄砲」の本店・支店・弟子店アーカイヴ! 【What’s up? マイめんライフ。】 シャンプーハット・てつじさん、麺通団京都支部長・別府さん、街の麺好きに赤裸々めんライフをインタビュー 【麺・激戦区なう。】 高井田/福島/新大阪/天満/一乗寺 【駅近麺マップ。】 梅田~北新地/心斎橋~なんば/三宮~元町/祇園~四条烏丸 ※この商品は紙の書籍のページを画像にした電子書籍です。文字だけを拡大することはできませんので、予めご了承ください。試し読みファイルにより、ご購入前にお手持ちの端末での表示をご確認ください。

The Book of Urushi: Japanese Lacquerware from a Master

  • 価格¥2,849
  • Urushi, Japanese lacquerware, is perhaps the oldest and most sublime of all the Japanese arts and crafts. Its history goes back more than 7,000 years, and it is still vibrantly alive today. It is practiced by craftsmen working in time-honored techniques and by modern artists forging the future. Valued for its utilitarian durability, urushi developed into an incomparable art, adorning a multitude of objects from luxurious palaces to lavish murals and exquisitely crafted fountain pens. The present book, written more than fifty years ago by the Living National Treasure Matsuda Gonroku, has long been a must-read for collectors, researchers, and laypeople. It is the “bible” of urushi, covering every conceivable aspect of the subject. It includes some fifty full-color illustrations of masterpieces honored by history and masterworks by Matsuda himself. The present edition has been supervised by Murose Kazumi, a disciple of Matsuda’s and a Living National Treasure in his own right. His foreword enables the reader to acquire a broader understanding of the contents of the book and gain a deeper appreciation of its value and impact on the world of urushi.

Pax Tokugawana: The Cultural Flowering of Japan, 1603-1853

  • 価格¥2,618
  • Some people view Tokugawa Japan through the “exotic Edo” lens. Others see the era as Japan’s dark ages. And those who reject both of these extremes tend to think of it as simply the run-up to Japan’s modernization. Yet it would be more accurate to see it as a vast flowering of culture spearheaded by the Rinpa school of art led and developed by Tawaraya Sotatsu and Ogata Korin; the exquisite poetry of Matsuo Basho and Yosa Buson; the groundbreaking natural science treatises by Kaibara Ekiken and others; Arai Hakuseki’s Seiyo kibun [Tidings of the West] and Sugita Genpaku’s Rangaku kotohajime [The Dawn of Western Science in Japan]; and by such towering figures as Watanabe Kazan and Hiraga Gennai. All told, the Tokugawa period was arguably the high-water mark of Japan’s long cultural traditions. This ambitious work provides a comprehensive review of the distinctive culture that emerged in the limited space of the Tokugawa period’s 250 years and the narrow confines of Japan. As such, it stands at the forefront of comparative cultural studies and points the way to new insights. This definitive volume is the culmination of a lifetime of work by a scholar whose research on the Tokugawa era has been recognized with awards from, inter alia, the Japan Art Academy and the Japan Academy.

My Struggle against Leprosy

  • 価格¥2,420
  • This volume contains Yohei Sasakawa's introductory pages to more than 90 issues of the WHO Goodwill Ambassador's Newsletter for the Elimination of Leprosy issued since 2003 and 20 articles on anti-leprosy themes that Sasakawa issued through the HuffPost in 2017. We in The Nippon Foundation and Sasakawa Health Foundation's Office of Joint Program on Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) have provided context with a background summary. It draws on material from those newsletters and articles from Fumihiko Takayama's Shukumei no senki―Sasakawa Yohei, Hansenbyo seiatsu no kiroku (Chronicles of a struggle of destiny―A record of Sasakawa Yohei's fight to bring leprosy under control; published in Japanese in 2017 and to appear in English translation in autumn 2019).

The Lure of Pokemon: Video Games and the Savage Mind

  • 価格¥2,156
  • Video games are often thought to draw children out of nature and into isolated, closed spaces. In The Lure of Pokemon: Video Games and the Savage Mind, however, Nakazawa Shinichi shows how the Pokemon series of video games, far from standing in opposition to nature, actually seeks to represent the true, hidden essence of the natural world. From humble beginnings as a video game launched in the mid-90s, Pokemon has become a global entertainment franchise, even reaching into the real world with “augmented reality” via the mobile game Pokemon Go. Nakazawa argues that the Pokemon worldview is the best contemporary example of Levi-Strauss’s “savage mind” (la pensee sauvage). As the natural environment is transformed around them, the author suggests, children that would once have directly observed and explored nature encounter it through technology instead. Contemporary games and other narratives can often be viewed as attempts to reconnect the human unconscious with nature, undoing the separation effected by the scientific, rational thought of Western modernity. Nakazawa also shows how games like Pokemon recreate deep-rooted social patterns. When characters capture monsters, carry them around in “Poke Balls,” and swap them with other characters, they are part of a tradition in which trade is more than just the exchange of goods. Barter is a much more profound form of communication in which each participant also receives part of the other. The author supports his argument through close analysis of the history and even prehistory of video games in Japanese culture. Drawing on mythology, Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, and other resources, he explores cultural touchstones like Space Invaders, Ultraman, and the RPG as a genre, showing how their rich, direct expression appeals directly to the urges and impulses within children themselves, helping them come to terms with their place in the world. The Lure of Pokemon: Video Games and the Savage Mind is both a work of game criticism revealing la pensee sauvage within today’s video games and an examination of Japanese culture as the context from which the Pokemon phenomenon was born.

eS4 no.73

  • 価格¥1,100
  • EUROMOTIVE MAGAZINE エスフォー(eS4)2018 MARCH No.73 eS4 FRONT LINE 017 メルセデス・ベンツGクラスが39年ぶりにフルモデルチェンジ 019 スーパー耐久のワンメイクタイヤがピレリに決定!/NAGOYAオートレンドeS4ブース拡大展開!! 021 クワトロの実力を水上で体感するスペシャルプログラム 022 First Review ついにターボ化されたAUDI RS4 AVANT 026 TOP ISSUE 巻頭特集 そのユーロに、驚きはあるか。 driven to modify 028 AUDI TT RS/H-SPORT 032 VLN仕様への挑戦 MISSION COMPLETE!! 034 LAMBORGHINI AVENTADOR S/LAGAR CORPORATION 036 AUDI R8 V10 PULS/balance it 038 AUDI S4/mouf. 040 BMW M3(E92)/SPL TUNING SPECIALIST from Korea 045 東京オートサロン2018 注目すべきユーロパーツ全紹介! 046 TOYO TIRES/HASHIMOTO corporation 048 2018 NEW WHEELS 052 bond Group/LAGER CORPORATION 054 PRO STUFF/T’S CLUB/Liberty Walk/JET STROKE EURO SIDE 056 MUCH MORE CONSTRUCTORS 062 ESSEN MOTOR SHOW 2017 動き出した2018年のユーロシーン 070 SACHS/ZF RACE ENGENEERING eS4 海外現地直撃取材! 074 TUNERS COMPLETE TECH ARTの991と971の共演 EURO MODE 2018 注目のユーロブランド最新スタディ 078 AUDI S5 SPORTBACK/J FACTORY & balance it 080 Carlsson W222 CS50/Carlsson JAPAN 082 AUDI R8 V10 PLUS/NEWING 084 MASERATI LEVANTE/LEAP DESIGN WHEEL IN STYLE ユーロ最前線のニューデザインホイール 088 ADV.1 ADV05-MVII ADVANCED SERIES 090 Carlsson 1/16 RSF GT 092 LEONHARDIRITT FORGED LF-S1 094 TSW TURBINA RF 096 BROCADE BL14 098 NEUTRALE CS5 mono 100 Kranze Weaval 102 WORK GNOSIS FMB02 & FMB03 105 JAWAユーロのホイール選択において重要な「品質」と「信頼性」を支える 106 GO with JAPANESE TIRES! ADVAN SPORT V105 BMW EVOLUTION 2018 もっとも新しいBMWモディファイ 112 3D Design i8 CONCEPT & 530i Touring COMPLETE 114 HAMANN FULL COMPLETE 530i by T’S CLUB 116 Next innovation 420i M-SPORT MORE REFINED!! より洗練された注目仕様 118 Mercedes-Benz GLC 250 4MATIC Edition 1/Abyss Auto Boutique 120 AUDI TT S/5x 122 AUDI A7 SRORTBACK /T’S CLUB EVENT REPORT 126 STANCENATION JAPAN G Edition TOKYO 132 KW Circuit Experience WEST 134 X5 FAINL NAGOYA 136 THE REAL STORY BEHIND CUSTOM & RACE 短期連載 挑戦者たちのリアルストーリー サンライズ幸平サンのニュル24時間への道 138 The Challenger MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 140 「隠しモードを使用可能にするコーディングという手法について」 より便利に、より個性的にするための手段 142 「ルックスだけでなく、安全と快適さも求めたホイールチェンジのコツ」 国産車とはちょっと違う輸入車ホイールチェンジ DEPARTMENTS 144 eS4コラム 146 The Latest News 148 読者プレゼント 149 eS4アンケート 151 お得な定期購読のお知らせ 152 バックナンバー購入ガイド 153 奥付

The Building of Horyu-ji

  • 価格¥2,702
  • Horyu-ji temple was first erected in the 7th century and has come down to us today in the magnificent form it achieved in 711, over 1,300 years ago. It has given the lie to the common misconception that wood is destined to quickly rot and decay, and has demonstrated the enduring value of wood, not to mention the fact that the temple has been designated a World Heritage Site as the earth’s oldest wooden structure. Here Tsunekazu Nishioka, the master carpenter who undertook the repair of this monumental structure in the mid 20th century, shares the insights and knowledge he gained from that experience. To make Nishioka’s words and observations more easily understood by later generations, Jiro Kohara has buttressed them with scientific experiments and commentary, bringing into sharp view Horyu-ji’s long-concealed mysteries and secrets. The result is a revealing picture of Japan's immemorial love of trees and wood, a broad-ranging introduction to the country’s wood culture.

AS+F(アズエフ)1994 クリスマススペシャル

  • 価格¥864
  • ※本書は、当時の印刷物からスキャニングした電子書籍です。一部にかすれや汚れなど、文字の識別が難しい場合があります。 ※記述は掲載当時の情報にもとづいています。現在は存在しなかったり、価格・仕様が変更していたり、サービスが終了していたりする場合があります。 IT WAS NOT THAT EASY[悲痛の闇、そして沈黙の時を越えて] One’s Column レースはマンセル JOHNNY ON WIRE One’s Column やっぱりハッキネン ’94 FIGHT IT OUT[闘将たち、その試練の果てに] One’s Column 追悼寄稿 今はなき中村良夫氏を偲んで [特別付録]アイルトン・セナの素顔“He was my……” MOTTO MOTTO AGGRESSIVE!![何発殴られてもいい。でも絶対1発は殴り返してやる] One’s Column フェラーリ大好き! THE TIME IS ON MY SIDE[95年は僕からきっと目が離せなくなるさ] One’s Column 亜久里復活を願う JUST ONE MORE LUCK[欲しかったのは、僅かばかりの運] TALKING IN THE SUNSHINE[子供の頃から、ずっとライバル] NOBODY GENIUS[天才なんて、いない]


  • 価格¥540
  • After successfully selling the Investment Club’s treasures and gaining 1.5 billion yen, Zaizen Takashi embarks on his next big adventure: discovering the roots of the Dojuku Academy Investment Club and the Zaizen family. In order to do accomplish this task, Takashi opens the first club captain’s notebook. “February 1904. Outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War.” Inside the first captain’s notebook is a history of Japan’s economy from the Meiji Period to the Heisei Period! Before he realizes it, Takashi is catapulted back in time to the Meiji Period Dojuku Academy, with a student who looks exactly like him standing right before his eyes. His name? Tatsugoro… Zaizen! Mita’s latest installment to Investor Z promises one of the biggest adventures yet, with the main stage set in the Meiji Period. “Back to the Future?” More like “Back to Meiji!”

リスアニ! 22

  • 価格¥1,320
  • 【表紙・巻頭特集】『ラブライブ!The School Idol Movie』μ'sスペシャル・インタビュー!【特集】デュラララ!!×2 転【アーティスト】アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ/早見沙織/TrySail/Ray/Kalafina×Aimer/ClariS/綾野ましろ/May'n…and more!


  • 価格¥2,464
  • オトメイトからリリースされた、PS Vita用ドS吸血恋愛ADV『DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE』の公式ビジュアルファンブックです。新たに登場した月浪兄弟の立ち絵や表情差分を書籍初収録! イベントCGや特定の条件をクリアしないとプレイできない各シナリオの開放条件はもちろん、特別企画として『DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE,BLOOD LIMITED V EDITION』のイラストや新規イベントCGも掲載しています。さらに公式ビジュアルファンブック恒例の企画では、逆巻兄弟・無神兄弟・月浪兄弟たちにふたりがかりで吸愛され、奪われ合う禁断の書き下ろしVERSUSストーリーを6編お届けします!


  • 価格¥990
  • 大ヒット中のパズルRPG『パズル&ドラゴンズ』。作曲の伊藤賢治氏ご本人による監修のもと、ピアノアレンジでなるべく忠実に再現しました。アルバム『パズル&ドラゴンズ オリジナルサウンドトラック イトケン・リミテッド』に収録されるゲームのオリジナル音源5曲に、新アレンジ「Dragon's Den(MORE ROCK!)」のピアノ・アレンジも収載! イトケン節 炸裂のパズドラの曲をピアノでガンガン弾きまくろう!!

Britney Spears/Blackout[88697190732]

  • 価格¥2,690
  • 今世紀最強の“アイコン”=Britney Spearsの通算5作目となるオリジナル・アルバム!『In the Zone』以来4年ぶりとなる本作は、Timbalandの右腕Nate"Danja"Hillsをはじめ、Sean GarrettやJonathan Rotem、Neyo、T-Painといったビッグ・ネームが制作に関与。既にラジオやネットで話題のシングル「Gimme More」は“It's Britney, Bitch”というブリトニーの囁きからスタートする超セクシーなダンス・ナンバー。


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